ProAc budget level S.S. or Digital amp synergy?

Just assembling this system, into which I would like to interject tubes by way of the preamp stage with my foreplay II (Mullards,BugleBoys), yet achieve the drive and articulate bass charecteristics afforded with S.S, on a tight budjet...

Would some kind A'goners make recomendations of likely suspects, knowing the preferances of these speakers and your experiences with their presentation, which might meet my criteria ?

I realize that recomendations are always asking posters to go out on a limb, so to speak, as I have much more experience with headphones and their amplifiers and make recomendation myself over on Head-Fi...

And yes, I have researched and read what little there is on the subject, although without the inclusion of this specific criteria set. On a budjet, with a tube pre and of the S.S. design hopefully to be bought used here!

Room is 20X16X9 hight...


TIA for sharing.

Digital Try the ARC 150.2
I ran one with my 1sc's worked great.
300.2 worked better.....
Go all out and get a used pair of Manley Snapper's and a Manley Shrimp and you'll never look back
I'd be a little hesitant to suggest T-amps with your ProAc's, I fear the resulting sonics would get too "zippy".

If you have to though, I second the ARC recommendation.

I realize it may be a few dollars more, but Plinius SS amps sound very good. Maybe wait another 6 months and save up a few hundred more dollars. I don't think you would regret the decision, and good SS like the Plinius hold value pretty darn well. I've seen the older versions quite often go in the range of $1500. I'm not sure how much your budget is though.

Bryston would be another decent choice, but outclassed a
bit by the Plinius.

When I got my first "hi-end" Bryston amp, I had to save for a year to afford the preamp, so the amp just sat under the bed. That was a rough year.

Disclaimer: I don't own any Plinius amps, I've just heard them and feel they're donically up there towards Rowlands but with a easier to digest price tag.
Rethinking a strategy, due to the feeling I'm getting that class D amps, though having the wattage / spl and low cost advantages, will suffer in terms of sonics vs starting out with say a 60watt Bryston in a near field listening configuration.
Which eventually as budjet allows, can be used in a bi-amp configuration (top), buying something similar but substantial in terms of watts/spl driving the lower end, again, fronted by the Foreplay II pre. Eventually allowing for more liberal placement options...

Feedback would be appreciated~