ProAc budget level S.S. or Digital amp synergy?

Just assembling this system, into which I would like to interject tubes by way of the preamp stage with my foreplay II (Mullards,BugleBoys), yet achieve the drive and articulate bass charecteristics afforded with S.S, on a tight budjet...

Would some kind A'goners make recomendations of likely suspects, knowing the preferances of these speakers and your experiences with their presentation, which might meet my criteria ?

I realize that recomendations are always asking posters to go out on a limb, so to speak, as I have much more experience with headphones and their amplifiers and make recomendation myself over on Head-Fi...

And yes, I have researched and read what little there is on the subject, although without the inclusion of this specific criteria set. On a budjet, with a tube pre and of the S.S. design hopefully to be bought used here!

Room is 20X16X9 hight...


TIA for sharing.

I was curious about your statement that the response tweeter has tweeter troubles and requires laid back amps.
I think they are extremley accurate and require accurate amps. They are revealing but I've heard them sound world class with several amps that I would'nt consider "laid back".Including my ARC 300.2 and Manley Snappers.Both driven by the ARC CD#mk2.
A while back, I heard a pair of ProAc 2.5s driven by Ayre gear and the sound was exceptional. I had personal success driving a pair of ProAc Tablette 50 Sigs as well as a pair ProAc D15s with a simple Ayre integrated. I would not classify the Ayre gear as laid back, at all.
Don't be afraid. I have a tube pre and was using an original Son of Ampzilla. I bought a Tripath based power amp off E-bay. I have no plans to replace it. A tube pre, with a "class d"power amp (to me) is a very good combination.
Sincere thanks for the constructive responses within the criteria mentioned, which will help in my search looking forward as I upgrade the initial pairing I've decided upon, Bryston 60W/Foreplay II Pre/Corda Opera DAC [Operas DAC being slightly warm with slightly polite HF energy, though airy and fully extended, as evidenced by my referance AKG-701s & even the oftentimes troublesome HF energy(in other systems) of my DT-990s].

Although this initial entry level upstream components chain could and will be improved upon, I have great hopes for it to provide a utilitarian,pleasing reproduction system coupled to the 2.5s, configured in a nearfield configuration, "Within Budget Restraints" at this time!

Again, further insights by owners of the ProAc 2.5 for future guidence are highly appreciated here...

Hi Efner, this was ~6 years ago but I read measurements as well as other people's listening experiences re. the 2.5 tweeter. I was also looking into the DIY version and they also referenced the tweeter problem.
Can't document any of this so take it FWIW.