Integated amps with phono?

Would you guys mind throwing out some ideas? All prices and power... tube or solid state.

Did you ever find a nice vintage integrated/receiver?

Mentioned the Rogue Cronus before, I think.


Never heard it, but the E-Zine reviews are favorable.

Being able to self bias each power tube is a nice feature as you won't have to worry about closely matched pairs (big savings in the long run).

Cheap/good SS would be a Magnum IA-170SE (one just sold here for $399), but they don't show up very often.

It has a MM phono and a mono switch.

The English Magnum company is out of business, as far as I know, though the SE versions were most likely manufactured this century and should be reliable for some time to come.

Kind of a mystery (never seen an online review) is the inexpensive Norh SE 18, which is $795 delivered per the website.

SE 18

My favorite guilty pleasure is an early/mid 80's Carver MXR-130 receiver.

The phono section didn't sound right @ first, but it came around with a few months use.

Dawned on me that the phono section had never been used when I picked it up 4-5 years ago (it had been installed in a clothing store with two Nakamichi 700ZXE cassete decks).

Picked up one of the decks as well, but ended up selling it after transferring a few tapes to CD.

Hey david,

I did get a vintage accuphase but the guy who sold it to me as mint failed to mention that it needs a lot of work.

Last time I was looking I had all kinds of requirements like a headphone jack, the ability to drive 3 sets of speakers, etc. I've loosened the reins now.

I'm looking to upgrade anyway. I'll check out the recommendations so far.
The Creek integrateds have a choice of phono cards, if that counts. They also have headphone jacks. Ditto the Rotel integrateds. I think that the Unison Unico series takes phono cards and one of the Plinius integrateds has a built in phono stage.