Effect of bi-amping?? Marten Design & Dartzeel

Hi all,

I currently have an amplifier that has 100W at 8 Ohm, 160W at 4 Ohm. I wondered what the effect would be if I bi-amp my speakers with two units? (speaker sensitivity 89 dB/w/m, impedance 4 ohm)

I assume that it doesn't have that much effect on how loud I can play the music (something that isn't an issue) but if I use 2 amps would there be more control over the speaker?

Appreciate if someone can explain what most likely the differences are using 1 or 2 amps to drive speakers in general, and particular for the Dartzeel/Marten Design combo.

Thanks a lot.

P.S. I have the Marten Design Coltrane speakers and Dartzeel amp.
There are two types: vertical and horizontal biamping. Vertical is what I think you are thinking of where you would have two identical amps powering the speakers, one for each speaker. This arrangement can provide improvements of all types simply because the amps are less stressed. Roy Gregory of Hifi+ magazine does this with his reference system (Nola Pegasus and KR tube amps) and says that the improvement was incredible in all aspects.

I do horizontal biamping but that is much tougher to do well and would require lots of experiementation to get it right. You are probably better off with a vertical arrangement. I'd say give it a try and see.

Post removed 

Was curious to know what your thoughts were about the difference between one or two Dartzeel's on the sound
