Cary amp fuse blowing 1 advice 2 Bay Area fix?

Hi. Well, starting yesterday, when I turn on my Cary SLI-80, after around one minute, the fuse blows on the left hand side. Tried it twice now.

1. Could this possibly be due to a bad tube? All the tubes appear to light up fine. Is it worth experimenting with swappping tubes, trying to nail down the bad one (I'd hate to put my amp through six more blown fuses while I experiment unless it's likely to find the cause.)

2. I'm always inclined to send a unit back to the manufacturer for repair. That of course takes weeks round trip plus risk of damage or loss. SO, if any of you know someone in the BAY AREA, Northern California, that could fix this, that might be preferable.

Thank you!
I think I may have blown the amp fuse. Has anyone here ever replaced that one?
Yes I have had to replace a fuse after tubes blow. The fuses are located in the back of the amp near the a/c cord. You unscrew the black cap. Make sure to use the proper fuse! If I recall correctly, it is specified in the manual.
I just got my v12r amp back from Cary for a check up. When I shut the amp off my left 1/2 amp fast blow fuse goes out on the left side. It does not happen when in standby, and works fine after changing the fuse and turning the amp back on. Yesterday I shut the amp off, and before I turned it back on, I took the fuse out and put it back in, then fired up the amp and the fuse did not blow. The bias is around 238 or so on each side. Hope this helps out. polk432