Amplifier advice for Wilson Sophia speakers

I'm looking for a Pre-Amp. & Amp. for my Wilson Sophias. My room is 20'x26', with good (flat) acoustics. I listen to Acoustic Rock, Jazz, R&B and Blues Rock, live recordings whenever possible. I'm considering the following:

B) VTL 5.5 & ST150
C) Pass Labs X2.5 & X250
D) BAT VK-300xSE

I listen at fairly loud/realistic levels, so I need to make sure that the system is moderately powerful.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated...Thanks!
I have the Sophia 1's in a similar room. My room, however needs a significant amount of power to adequately pressurize the space with lifelike bass. The bass characteristics of your room need to be a primary issue in your choice.
The Sophias LOVE tubes. If your room is easy to pressurize, the Audio Research VT 100 will be a good choice. I needed more power and picked up a demo pair of Audio Research VM-220's. A gorgeous combination of accurate tonality , great. huge stage and great bass. I had a Cary V-12 with 50 triode watts and 100 watts ultra-linear. Small scale music was gorgeous with the 50 triode watts, but large scale performances never achieved life-like scale with 100 tube watts.
I was never able to audition a Macintosh amp with the Sophias but one of the customer service guys at Wilson Audio felt his favorite combo with the Sophias was a tube pre-amp and a MAC power amp.
I felt the Pass X250.5, while good, lacked the tube magic that my Audio Research Monos have.
The only solid state amps I auditioned that I liked a lot were the Jeff Rowland
201 mono-blocs. They are slightly recessed in the high frequencies, which, depending on the characteristics of your room can be a great match. The Sophias tend to be "revealing" in the high frequencies so careful matching is the key to the phenomenal realism they are capable of producing. Listen to many amps and the proper choice will be obvious.
I think the X250.5 is more than enough for the Sophias power wise. Sophias are much easier to drive than my B&W N803 and the X250.5 absolutely handles the N803s without any hint of running out of juice. I listen to music on loud levels. The Pass amp is effortless, clean, zero strain and keeps great separation of instruments at high levels. Be it rock, jazz or the large scale orchestral.
I do agree though that a tube preamp is a good idea with Wilsons if the amp is solid state.
Good Luck
Hi I know it sounds like a little over kill however I run my Sophias with a krell 700cx am thinking of having them upgraded to the Sophia II's. I had the amp already before I bought speakers just didn't feel like selling just to get something else was running B&W's with it before.