Pairing Aesthetix Calypso w/ Pass Labs or Plinius?

Would a Calypso mate well w a Pass Labs 250.5 or Plinius
102 or 301?
There's a review of the Calypso on Audiogon which the reviewer has paired with the Plinius SA-102.

I own the SA-102, and hope to add the Calypso pre this spring / summer when I have spare funds.
Here is a link that asks a similar question. There is a reply on 6-02-07 from Jim White, the designer of Aesthetix gear.

My Aesthetix Calypso packed full of new Teflon caps , sounds just wonderful paired with Pass Labs " Rushmores" speakers with built in power amps.
Hi Jebsmith73,

Do you know which caps were upgraded? Did Jim do this work? Can you explain what benefits you got from the new caps?