Mundorf coupling caps

Anyone has expericned with the supreme silver/gold and silver/oil? How do they sound comparing to one another? which one sounds warmer? Any infos on these caps will be appreciated.Thanks and have a happy holiday.
Best regards
Thanks to all responses!
Dgarretson have you tried jensen copper oil caps? if you have , how do jensen caps compare to Mundorf silver/gold?Thanks
The OEM Jensen/BAT PIOs in my VK75SE are surpassed in all respects by V-Cap TFTF. I don't know if those Jensens are copper or alum. I have not compared Mundorf directly to Jensen PIO.

I think you'll find that PIOs in general have less clarity than teflon and other good film coupling caps. (Mundorf Silver/Gold are not oil caps.) If you want to experiment with a nice oil cap on the cheap, consider russian K40Y-9s on ebay. Knowledgeable posters at AA believe these to be the best of the PIOs. I have a bunch that I haven't yet installed. They appear to be built to a very high standard.
Are you saying with certainty that the BAT's use Jensen Oil in paper?
They sure look similiar. Do you have experience with the Mundorf M-Cap Supreme Silver/Oil (oil impregnated, silver metallized polypropylene dielectric) cap...? THink this is as good as stock bat cap?
Indeed BAT oilers look identical to Jensen. My assertion as to their identity follows several posters and webzine reviewers who have stated that BAT PIOs are specials developed by Jensen.

Of the Mundorfs I have tried only Silver/Gold. They have handily surpassed REL RT and Hovland Musicap in my line & phono stages. But the most immediate & dramatic improvement was replacing BAT PIO with V-Cap TFTF. V-Cap TFTF was also a major improvement over REL teflon in my LS. In my system the phono passes signal through two Mundorf Silver/Gold and one V-Cap TFTF coupling caps. The CDP passes only through two V-Cap TFTF. These sources sound damned close, which I believe testifies to the quality of Mundorf.