Any info on the new Audio Research VS115 tube amp?

My local dealer said that it will include balanced inputs (which the prior VS model did not). Curious if others have heard any more information. Supposedly, ARC will have one at CES...look forward to hearing attendees' comments about this new tube amp! It is not supposed to be ready for delivery until the latter part of January.
my ARCVT100/3 was a tube eater. 500 hours and the bounce of the tubes are gone.
Cuwatch1, my VS115 has just crossed 300 hours... and I assume you are asking about the overall sound quality vs tube life (per Soundoc)? I'm just returned to the high end, so don't have the vocabulary or recent experience of owning other high end parts, but as for "my" VS115 the sound changed radically after about 200 hours. When I first installed the amp I was a little freaked out -- the base was boomy, and the sound was conjested and everything just seemed "off". I almost took it back for a Ref110, but the dealer advised just letting it cook by leaving it on for a week 24/7. That made a huge difference - things started to sound pretty damn good and overall the sound seems to be coming more and more into focus.
Yes Bobvin I'm curious about the sound and if owners are still happy with the amp. I had a vs110 that had fantastic tight, detailed bass when brand new but after it was broken in the bass took on what I consider to be that classic bass sound. Full, less detailed, and fat at times which wasn't what I was looking for. I did purchase the vs115 (and cd5 at the same time to go with my year old ls26) but only have 100 hours on them. So far I like what I'm hearing especially over the cd3mk2, sp16 & vs110 combo I previously owned. I like hearing what owners think prior to the "formal" reviews coming out in the press. I wish I could afford the electricity to keep it on 24/7 (for even one week) to speed up the break in, but due to the heat and additional load on my A/C, it'll be a slow process with me listening as it "cooks" in.

With regards to Soundoc experiencing a loss of "bounce" after 500 hours of tube use, I never experienced that with the vs110 and those tubes had 1300 hours on them.

Thanks for your responses.
'Hi, does anyone have checked VS115 on stillpoints or not, change its powercord or not, I was using the VDH mainsteam cord\'
'I'm curious about the sound and if owners are still happy with this amp.I have only 20 hours on them, mated with LS26 and PH5/vdH the Condor cartridge.When I first installed the amp compared to my old VS55 the sonic character is ARC and the sound was superb (very close to REF110) with controlled, detailed bass.Mids are very smooth. Focus is not so good but its only 20 hours.
Thanks for your input./'