Welborne Labs Star Chief 45

Hi :-)
Based on recommendations in another thread here (Amps for Avantgarde Duo), I have been looking around for smaller amps than my 845 monos.
And, I have had a pair of Welborne Labs StarChief 45 monoblocks in-hosuse for two weeks.
They hadn't been used for some months, so they did actually need a period of burn-in.
They have TJ Mesh Plate tubes (as standard).

The sound is very open and detailed, the upper frequencies are better than in any amp I have heard at home.
The mids are also very good, and the bass is very surprising!; faster and more detailed than in my 845's. Not quite the same weight though....
Until now I like them very much, they are very musical and involving. And more neutral than all other tube amps I have had in my system.

Anybody having any experience with these amps?
Anything "missing" which might become more evident after some time in use?

I will also have the opportunity to test out a WL preamp, the Ultapath BP. Anyone knowing this?
I have a BAT VK-51SE which plays very good with the monos, but the synergy effects between the 45's and the Ultrapath might surprise me.........

Best regards
Missing something? Nope. The 45 rules. You've described the 45 house sound pretty well.

After awhile, you'll find an 845 dark and (especially) thick in comparison.
Yes, thick is exactly the word! :-)
I have played on the 45's for some time now, and I enjoy them more and more.

I'll test out the Ultrapath preamp this week. A design being a strong contrast to the complex design of the BAT!
Hi again
I Have now played some days on the Star Chief with EML 45 Mesh Plates. I guess they have 30 - 40 hours now.
And they blow away the NOS I tried, and the TJ MEsh Plates.
The immediate observation is that they seems to be more powerful, but in short, I think they are the best tubes on all parameters.
Haven't heard the EML solid plates.........