Macintosh vs Pass labs

I currently own a Pass X250 which is awesome. I am driving Von Schwikierts VR4 SR also awesome. I have always wanted to try a Mac amp. However I am wondering why there are always so many for sale. Pass amps are few and far btween. Maybe th grass looks greener on the other side. Thanks
I had a 402 and sold it when I tried the 250.5. The Pass had WAY more authority, muscle, and clarity from top to bottom. The Mac sounded "soft". My speakers at the time were VR-4Jr.
McIntosh is like a Buick Park Avenue. Where Pass amps are more like a BMW M5. Performance, design and implementation of the Pass Labs amplifiers is heads above the Mc.

And what's up with the cheap turn buttons on the Mac? Do they just visit some junk yards looking for some 1950s, 1960 cars, rip the buttons off their radios and mount these on their amps and preamps? C'mon!
Take a look at the latest McIntosh creaton - their turntable. It's as beautiful looking as Pontiac Aztec. Who aproved that design? Stevie Wonder?
IMO the higher-end Mac's sound better than the high-end Pass amps. I've listened to both and although I had high expectations for the Pass stuff, I just wasn't impressed. Listened to a nice setup on some huge Genesis speakers. It did sound different but not that great. Also the volume was scratchy when adjusted which gave the appears of lower quality. The high end Mac system I heard on Focals was one of the best systems I'd ever heard - in my top 3 of all time in fact. Now the low-end Macs (integrateds) are a different story.
No one has mentioned it; but what preamp do you have?

You really need to try Pass X1 preamp or something at that level before changing your amp out.. I find the preamp can provide one of the largest flavoring or clarity controls.. If you haven't heard a premium preamp you have no idea what you are missing. Also make sure to run Balanced as my friends X1 really sounds better with XLR inputs and outputs because of the fully balanced design.

Since you have VR speakers you probably like to listen with a little volume, try to go to the 501's instead of the 402 if you are a bass head.. The MAC 402 uses a parallel design versus the higher end design in the 501 and the 1201 amplifiers and keep in mind autoformers don't double in power as impedence drops so your X250 has more 4ohm current than the MC402, and the MC501 are a different design.

One of my friends owns the MC402 and loves the look and flavoring and even more so with the latest Mac Preamp.. His system has very good synergy and the Mac gear tailors to his musical preferences..

Between those two choices I would lean towards Pass X250.5 or an X350.5 since more power never hurt anyone. I have a friend with VR 4 GEN III SE and he uses a pair of Parasound JC-1 which have insane control over his bass modules, and the adjustable Class A bias (10 or 25watts with a switch) he enjoys. The Parasounds need 1200+ hrs to break in but are a bargain in my opinion.

Oh yeah don't worry about how many are for sale, audiophiles are just obsessive... there has to be something better right ;-) how many of us have upgraded and ended up moving backwards... The good thing about Mac gear is the dealers don't discount much so the prices on the used market stay high so you can always turn it.
I've never heard Pass but have heard mcintosh and do like it. Interesting though I know someone who was a very large Pass dealer and brought in Conrad Johnson and at that point the pass sales declined to the point he dropped the pass line. He said with the two on the floor at the same time the cj sound won out in most cases. I own cj stuff and its hard to want anything else although I'm upgrading now and no cj dealer here but my main dealer I buy from sells mcintosh and I will give them a strong look out of loyalty to the dealer.