Sleeper preamp suggestions

Hello, I'm looking for suggestions for a outstanding preamp,under $1500 new or used.
I now have an Accuphase c-200 which is wonderful. I would like to get a unit that's a little newer though. I would especially like to get input from Audiogoners who are familiar with the C-200,so they'll know where I'm coming from.

It would be mated to a Accuphase C-350.

But I welcome all comments and suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
Modwright 9.0SE. Can be found used at that price. Plus it's always upgradeable later should you get the urge
A real sleeper since it is not that well known and rarely seen on Audigon is the "Musical Design SP 2B" from Musical Concepts' John Hillig in St Louis. It has a very simple linear design and uses 6922 tubes. Very clean and open. John offers a wide range of upgrade paths also.
Eastern Electronic MiniMax! Superb sounding tube preamp that looks great as well (just has a cheesey name)
your c200 is the sleeper. a benchmark pre, with an outstanding phono section. and yes, comparable with units at 5k or more, that don't even have an mc/mm phono.