Sleeper preamp suggestions

Hello, I'm looking for suggestions for a outstanding preamp,under $1500 new or used.
I now have an Accuphase c-200 which is wonderful. I would like to get a unit that's a little newer though. I would especially like to get input from Audiogoners who are familiar with the C-200,so they'll know where I'm coming from.

It would be mated to a Accuphase C-350.

But I welcome all comments and suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks you for all the input. I really appreciate it.
That's one reason why I like Audiogon!
Like minds ya know...
Does anyone know if the Minimax preamp would be in the C-200's league?
Please share your thoughts.
I have since bought a EE Minimax preamp, and I can report that it is as good as the Accuphase preamp.
Not only that, but it throws a way bigger sound stage and is more dynamic, I like it very much. I believe it to be quite a bit more musical,I almost feel like a traitor saying that. I love the Accuphase.
Remember YMMV
Happy listening!
The EE preamp is indeed good and highly recomended.Fun to tube roll too.
With that said, I bought an Accuphase C-200 that had been recaped, and it is better than the untouched C-200 I also own.Way more lively.

So, they are both wonderful,for 400 to 600 bucks you can save a lot of time and hassle by getting one of these great amps.
I like to cut through the B.S and find the good stuff,so you can't go wrong with these two.
They will get you off the merry go round for sure!
Happy listening.
Mcgarick, thanks for your update. Sounds like you made the right decision. Have you had a chance to compare the Minimax to anything other than the Accuphase C-200?