Krell FPB 300 vs ML 333 for Thiel CS6

Planning on upgrading from using the front channels on a Proceed AMP 5 (now) to either of the two mentioned in the header. Anyone have any idea of which would be the better choice ? Thanks.
Funny thing is that I have had/have all the amps you have, but slightly different models (ML 331.5, Krell FPB 200, Proceed HPA 3-channel amp). I had Thiel 2.2 speakers. First thing is that typically when I ran the Thiels they were part of a second system that was run directly to the amp by an Audio Aero Capitole CD player. This is a very warm CD player, so this must be taken into consideration.

The ML 331.5 I felt was an excellent match with the Thiel speakers. The bass is not going to be as strong as with the Krell (in my case), but it seems that the ML tamed the potentially forward tweeter of the Thiel a bit more than the Krell did. I almost got the impression that the ML rolled off a bit in the upper frequency range compared to the Krell. This could of course been the interaction with the Capitole. For what its worth, for the most part I kept the ML with the Thiels and the Krell in my other system

When I bought the 331.5, I bought it from a guy who had 7.2 speakers and heard them when I picked up the amp (with the ML amp). That was my first time really listening to Thiel speakers and I was very impressed by the match (even though I think the 331.5 was a bit short in power for the 7.2 speakers).

I have aFPB 300-C coming on Tuesday and I think you would be very good with both/either, certainly better than the Proceed.
I lived with a pair of Thiel 3.6 mated with ML333 for over 8 years. Before that had a pair of 2.2 for another 7 years. I thought the Thiel/ML combo work fairly well until I switched over to the Pass X350.5. Is there any specific reason why you limit your choice to these two amps?

I would strongly recommend not to buy a ML 3xx series amp. They have an issue with caps blowing up. I had mine back in the factory twice. When I spoke to the customer service, I found out the dealer had already sent it back once before. Actually, the amp sounded better when I got it back last time. But I did not want to risk having blown caps again in a few years. The replacement cost me over $1200.

I ended up trading it in for Pass X350.5, which was an eye opener. A much better amp than the ML333 by a big margin. I had been planning on upgrading to Thiel 6, but ended up buying a pair of Verity Parsifal Encore.

With regard to FrankC's comments, I cannot say that I ever had a problem with my 331.5, but am not sure if the .5 upgrades there were done addressed these cap issues, it would not surprise me as I have heard others mention some "minor" reliability issues. My 331.5 performed flawlessly for me. I had a pass 150.5, which was a good amp, but I never played this with the Thiel speakers so I cannot comment on this synergy, but I have heard good things about others running them with Thiels. I ran Totem's and Von Schweikert with the Pass amp. Again, though, I did like the sound of the ML with the Thiel, but would consider Frank's comments. If a ML 23.5 had enough power, that is a very good ML amp, but think it will be under powered for your speakers. I loved the Krells with Wilson speakers, both the Duettes and the W/P which have several common characteristics with the Thiels, FWIW.
A friend of mine has Thiel cs6. He had ML 331 (not enough power, but I liked it), Pass 350 (somehow less dynamic and warmer sound), and finally ended up to have Nuforce 9SE monoblocks plugged into PS audio P300. That is a wonderful combination, smooth, quick, dynamic sound. Also, Nuforce at full swing consume less than ML in sleep mode.