TVC Promethius versus Bent

Any impressions on differences from this that have tried TVCs from both these companies? Also, I'm not sure why a transformer would help over of a passive resistor based attenuator (assuming a very high quality pot)assuming drive, low output impedance source, low capacitance cables, high sensitivity amp with high input impedance (100kohm). If more is less, why isn't adding a transformer just more, though minimal, distortion? Sort of two questions, but I have a high quality passive volume control, but have an interest in the TVC idea, especially these two brands or something made by Kevin Carter.
I will agree the S&Bs are classics. However, the Slagle autoformers by Intact Audio enjoy a pretty good if not somewhat cult like following. I learned recently that Jeffrey Jackson at Experience Music utilizes them and I have seen a couple other boutique manufacturers using them in their demo set ups at audio shows. Are they going to be as good as the S&B. Not sure, but I'd like to find out. John Chapman mentioned on his forum that if he couldn't get the new TAP to sound as good as the S&B version he wouldn't bother with it. Seems the custom wound autoformers (and John used custom S&Bs as well) are stacking up just fine.
Wired up my own TVC, using S&B mkIII's. They can be set up as autoformers, using only one side and I did try that after reading that method was better, espescially for lows. I didn't notice much difference but I can understand how it might help if impedances and voltages are less than ideal. I preferred to have the isolation and balanced input/output. You need two autoformers per channel for balanced operation. I'm pretty sure that's how the Django does it.

TVC's: It's fun to scare somebody by unplugging the ic's while music is playing. Don't try that at home, kids.
Has anyobe heard the new autoformer TAP yet? I just bought one, but I'm sure it is not the first one out there...or is it?
i own a bent tvc-based preamp. it is my reference. i have also heard the promitheus with the silver wire and silver rcas..

i prefer the bent wired with continuous cast copper and vampire wire copper female rcas over the prometheus with silver wire.
I was fortunate to have been able to audition John's Slagle Autoformer prototype during it's development into the final "new" TAP. I had it in my system for months while John was finalizing the production aspects of the final version. As soon as the first full production version was available I exchanged (ie. purchased) it and returned the prototype. There was another person in Seattle (I think - is that you Clio09?) that had use of the prototype as well. I think the two of us got the first full production units.

I never had the chance to compare the Slagle 'formers with S&B's, however the "new" TAP sounds great to me. It replaced the Modwright SWL 9.0SE and Wyetech Labs Coral in my system. Since I had plenty of gain in my setup (high gain SET mono's with Zu Druid's) the gain of the active pre's was redundant and the TVC gave up nothing (except excess gain) in comparison.

I've had no problems with impedance matching and the Slagle modules are very transparent, dynamic and extended in the frequency extremes. The "new" TAP functions flawlessly with a remote controlled optically encoded volume control that provides 1db graduations for very fine loudness adjustments. The autoformer windings are switched in and out of the signal path through reed relays which are mounted on the same pc boards that accommodate the autoformers. Makes for a neat and complete "module" with very short signal path.

This TAP version also features an "active" gain circuit that can be switched into the main signal path to help in situations where additional gain and matching impedance buffering are required. Active circuit sounds quite good as well.

Once again, I cannot offer sonic comparos to S & B's (or other TVC modules) but I can say that John's (Bent Audio) engineering and implementation of TVC modules is amongst the best in the industry.

I guess you can say that I'm pleased with my "new" TAP and John is a great guy to deal with - always available for questions and comments.

Just a note for those adventurous soles - the laminations on the Slagle autoformers can be stacked in various configurations that will have a noticeable influence on the sound. Visit the Intact Audio website for lots of info.
