TVC Promethius versus Bent

Any impressions on differences from this that have tried TVCs from both these companies? Also, I'm not sure why a transformer would help over of a passive resistor based attenuator (assuming a very high quality pot)assuming drive, low output impedance source, low capacitance cables, high sensitivity amp with high input impedance (100kohm). If more is less, why isn't adding a transformer just more, though minimal, distortion? Sort of two questions, but I have a high quality passive volume control, but have an interest in the TVC idea, especially these two brands or something made by Kevin Carter.
Mingles, Nick is now including a grounding lug on the rear of each chassis to allow the transformers to be grounded. It sounds like the same wiring scheme that you described for the Sonic Euphoria. Nonetheless, I have never encountered the hum problem that you mentioned with any of the three Promitheus TVCs I have owned. (I have owned the Reference Dual-Box rev. 3 EI-core TVC, the Reference C-core TVC, and the Signature Double C-core TVC.) They have all been dead silent in all three of my audio systems where I have experimented with them. This makes me wonder whether Nick has done something to improve on his wiring configuration beyond the addition of the ground lug.

The new Promitheus TVCs that are built around either a single or double C-core transformer improve significantly on bass frequency extension. These TVCs have a much fuller, weightier sound than that of the TVCs built around the rev. 3 EI-core transformer. In addition, the Signature (double C-core) TVC provides uncanny presence, palpability and image saturation. If you get a chance to audition the new top model (i.e., the Signature TVC), I think you will be very pleased.

I agree that the chassis for the Promitheus TVCs could certainly be more attractive. However, the looks have never bothered me much because of the way the dark color of the TVCs has tended to make them disappear in my equipment racks.
hi bob:

i can't comment on that , but i did audition one, during 2008. i think one of the considerations for me is internal wiring. i generally don't like silver. also, i prefer copper rcas, especially vampire wire.

i would conjecture that my bent would be softer sounding than any promitheus preamp, and therefore, more forgiving of questionable discs.
Wow! The new Bent TAP-X using the Slagle autoformers arrived. Why John does not call it the TAP-AVC I don't know. I did not have the previous generation Bent TVC, but I did have a K&K passive using the S&B MKI transformer and I tried it with my CAT JL2 (now gone) and the Music Reference RM9SE. For some reason the K&K did not float my boat - of course it was good, but I much prefered my Joule LA-150MKII and the Music Reference Pot-in-a-Box (resistor attentuator. This is a different creature, I love it and the Joule is gone. I can't A/B for precise comparisons, but overall the S&B did wow me, this Slagle-based unit does. I have a feeling John is going to succeed with this unit like he did with his NOH and TAP till S&B pulled thr rug out from under him. His new product is his best revenge. Certainly worth a try if your experience ends up being anything like mine.
Pubul57, thanks for the news. A lot of people have been waiting for this unit. How is the warmth factor? Particularly in the mid bass? Have you done a back-to-back comparison with an active?