a tube amplifier repair technician

I need my tube amplifier monoblock repaired..I live in New jersey..
any suggestions or directions..pls.
Umaasa, Jmcgrogan2 (and all that are interested)

I spoke to Steve today on the phone to clarify few things and ask him for OK to spill a little more details and a short comparison between "before" & "after" modification done by Bob Backert. Actually, Steve is the one who introduced me to Bob and he is also working on the mods that would help to get the best out of the components (that he carry but not only).

Why ask for OK?......
Well, those who know me can tell you that I will speak my mind and I don't take sides or sh....t from anyone.
So, I ask Steve to tell me if it is OK to use his and Bobs' name while describing the mods and its benefits .............or not. It's been OK-ed, so in 2-3 days I will let you know if that was the money well spend or not.

Time to finish my Cybers 800 was - 2 weeks and 4 days but I told Bob that I wasn't in the rush. I asked him to take his time if it will help him to get the most out of my amps. I don't want the pressure, I want the results.
But don't forget, each peace of equipment is first evaluated and an appropriate mods are design especialy for that peace and YOU (not Bob). He will ask you to describe the sound you are after and try to make it happened.
Iam personally not crazy about a place that does a mod A/B/C without asking you what is wrong in the first place.
Or places that will tell you that mod "A" will kill everything up to 5K, mod "B" everthing up to 12K & finally mod "C" that will beat everything, including stuff that doesn't exist yet......NO, what I want is a mod that will bring the missing peaces to my nirvana, that's it. I find people in the shadows and those that listen the masters of their trade. Bob seems to be that person. If I am wright, he might become a "secret weapon" for few that know him. But that remains to be scene (heard).

One correction from the previece post that might be confusing for someone reading the work that has been done on Cybers. In "NOTE" it says that using 5687
, actually what it means is that 5687 is not in the chain anymore and if it wasn't bypassed, it would make the amps slower in conjunction with Bobs' custom design mod. 5687 can be plugged in and will glow, but it has no effect on the sound. That was one of my question I ask Steve today.
I hope it is clear now.

I will pick them up Saturday and will do a follow up same night or Sunday night.

John, as to your question:
what can be done to BAT VK-75SE to make it better ???
I think that Bob might have a trick or two up his sleeves.
It is a great amp and I can only imagine what it will sound like when Bob will be done with it. Actually I can't but you get the picture.

My nestorovic amplifier was repaired by Bob..no mods but simply repairing a rectifier burnt by a surge....discovered a defective rca(I would have not picked it up) and replaced them at a rapid and reasonable time (less than a week) and got a reasonable bill.
No pressure...honest..and no need for mods.
I got his full attention during all this transaction and he answered all my querries and drove home a happy audiophile ready to listen once again..
Great to know that I found a technician/audiophile who loves what he is doing..
Great news,
I am happy to hear that you can enjoy your music again.

All the best

Mariusz Stark
*Pick them up today.
*No time to hook them up.
*Quality time first, hobby second.

Heard them in Stephen Monte's' store in
two set-ups. First thing that I have noticed was a change in - speed, bass,
detail, effortless flow of notes. However, non of those systems resembles what I have at home and what I have got used to. To make any meaningful assessment, evaluation and potential benefits of those mods, I will have to put it back in my own system and have a listen.

Stephens' impressions of the modded Cyber 800 was very positive one, to the point where he is seriously thinking about modding another pair of Cyber 800 and keeping them in the store for a demo. Seems like Bob Backert and "Quest for Sound" will be working together to bring these costume modifications to audiophile community.

It is really late and I have to go but will let you know tomorrow....the real story. (Bob said that amps need around 50-60 hours of burn-in time. I think they are have way there)

Mariusz Stark
Follow up
Part 1

Since Bob recommended 50-60 hours break-in time and I might have about 25h on them. This evaluation should be taken as such. I am not sure if its (Cybers 800)performance is going to get any better after full 60 hours burn-in time but I do understand that some of you are/were waiting with anticipation to hear few words about mods performed by Bob Backert.

For those who might be interested in such a service, here are few ways to go about it:
*you can reach Bob Backert at this number 215-355-0529
*you can go to this website - www.rhbsounddezign.com
*you can call Steve Monte at 215-953-9099
*or email Steve - Questforsound@aol.com

In my case, all things that involved drop-off, pick-up, payment, test were handled by Stephen of Quest For Sound.
All the arrangements were made with Bob as well as consultation, approval of modifications and finalizing the deal.

Prices very, and there is no fixed price for any of the mods that Bob is performing. To find out the the cost of the modification for particular amp, preamp or
phono-stage, contact Bob or Steve.

My cost was $1175 and included:

Installed 4 Dynamic loading circuit mods to gain stage and phase inverter/driver tubes..Rewire to eliminate cathode follower stage to output tubes.. Install 2 premium quality Capacitors to phase inverter stage .. Final test/burn ib time 6 hours..

The whole job took about 18 days.



Opera Audio Consonance Cyber 800 Tube amp (modify)
Supratek Chardonnay Tube preamp
Consonance-Opera Audio Droplet tube CDP - 5.0 CD Player
JAS Audio Array 1.1 Tube preamp
Vandersteen Quatro Speaker
Consonance - Opera audio Reference 40 Tube phono-preamp
Lenco 75 Turntable (modify)
Music Hall MMF-7 Turntable (modify)
Morch tone arm UP-4
Denon 103R cartridge (modify)
Scott Nixon TubeDac + DA converter
Sonos 130 system-1 80, 2 100 & controller transport
Rega Apollo CD Player
Monster Cable Monster Power AVS 2000 AC filter
QRT technology MODEL RT800 AC filter
Quiet Lines (4)
Wiring - 90% Morrow Audio PC,IC (top models), KimberKable PC, Vampire speakers cable (top model, bi-wire, spades), Signal cable PC(2)Custom for Cybers 800 (no ground pin)
PS Ultimate Outlet 20A High Current with custom power cable by Vampire
Room treatment: Phase4 bass traps(2), Skyline diffusers(4),
2" absorbers(4), 4" absorbers(2)
Other tweaks: Iso-pads (QFS), Home made stands, suspension stands for MMF7 & Lenco, Final "Daruma" ball bearing audio insulators, Outlets by PS, Wattgate etc.
Stax headphone system

So how do they sound now after the mods performed by B.B????

Well, I thought about it and I wasn't sure who is going to read this, becouse it might be very misleading for someone with entry level or even average level system (I am not referring to value) hoping for a mod which will turn his system around 180 degrees and performs some sort of magic.
No, it is not a silver bullet or a cure for poorly assemble system or good system in a bad room. I am sure the benefits of Bobs' modifications would be still appreciated by audiophiles with less then perfect systems but to truly grasp what his mods can do and how they can transform your old amplifier, you will need a set-up that is already reviling and match with components that will sing in sync with each other. A system that is almost perfect, almost there........but, is missing this final
WOW, foot topping, face smiling, "holly s...t effect.
If you are that person who wants that last 5-10% it could be it. Actually I think it is - IT. Of course I have no idea what Bob can do for your amp, what I will say next is my own experience with my amps Consonance Cyber 800.
Like I said earlier in my priviest post, I've heard them after the mods but in systems that I am not familiar with to draw the accurate conclusion.
Having a little extra time today I decided to give them a short run and see, or more like hear what have changed and how. Hoping for the best I hooked up Cybers 800 to the rest of my system and fired them up. After running then dry for about 10 min. It was time to listen to some familiar tunes. Two my favorite demo CDs from Usher and few others.
The biggest change and I can say that with absolute certainty was in bass reproduction. Bass became more solid with energy that was not present before. Its speed, definition, tune-fullness, realism and slam was just unreal. I mean, I JUST DO NOT REMEMBER HEARING IT - not like that....oh no. Before modification it was bloated, anemic, and I hate to say it...boomy. I know....... trust me, I though that my system was pretty good before , not the best but pretty damn good - I knew it could be just a bit better in the bass department but I wasn't expecting THIS. It seemed like someone fine tune my room with acoustic treatments and put my Vendys on steroids - sick.

Next, was improvement in speed - in general. Transitions were faster, more realistic. Start-stop time remind me of my beloved Martin Logans that were the champions of speed and the F-1 of all speakers (together with Mag.& Quads).
Soundstage was slightly bigger but the instrument placement was a lot more precise and distinguished.
Voices were stronger, cleaner and less harsh at the very top. A big improvement to male voices, giving them stronger presents and more authority but in harmony with the rest of the recording. Heights were nice before and not much was needed, actualy I don't think that it could have been any better.
It could! And it is, but not by much - a little more sparkle and air. Maybe extra clarity but definitely more transparency.
The best for last (except for the bass), body.
To be honest with you I am not sure how to describe it, I am obviously not a writer or poet but what I am talking about is the extra body around the notes, strings etc.
What really got me was how the notes, especially strings were hanging in the air and slowly fading away. That vibration of instrument which you can almost feel and goosebumps which you have no control over. That was missing in my system and it seems that thanks to Bob Backert it magically reappeared in my rig and it is here to stay.

Ones again, just a reminder.
If you are searching for that last refinement, and you can't seem to get it whatever you do,
I would say GO FOR IT. But if you think that it is a magic bullet for everything that is wrong with your system - think again. It will improve ANY system, it all depends how much improvement you are looking for.
It gave my system about 5-10% in improvement. Is it a lot - it depends on individual. Is it expensive - again, depends on individual. I know guys that spend that much on single power cord. Who is gaining more, I leave it to YOU.
At the end it was a very positive experience and I personally recommend it. Actually, I am already thinking of sending my phono-stage and headphone amp to Bob for some "Magic Dust".


Mariusz Stark