Power amps for Quad electrostatics 2905

NuForce 9 Ref SE V2, Computer audio and Stello DAC DA100 Signature but lack musicality. The Nuforce seams not to be a great match with the Quads. Looking for a replacement.
Thanks for info.
I think the newer Quads and the original Quads are different beasts, and what worked for the '57's may not work for the new models. I would also consider some of the top line Quicksilvers that can run EL34's.
Newer Quads have a lower impedance than the older ones, as Quad contiues down the same path that Martin-Logan took, trying to get transistors to work with ESLs. But the nature of ESLs is that tubes will drive them without high end empahsis and better bass impact. So to deal with the low impedance, you may need a set of ZEROs to get a tube amp to work, but then it will be easy.
Hi Ralph. Zeros may be worth playing with. I tried them with my Cary amps on my 988's, and I must say, I didn't like the effect. Seemed to lose some degree of resolution. I wonder if others have tried them with their tube amps on Quads?