my new black faceplate Aesthetix Calypso

My new Aesthetix Calypso with black faceplate just arrived. I like the silver, but all my other gear is black. I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the box... I think it looks great! Anyways, I wasn't able to find a picture of the black faceplate option before I ordered, so thought I would post a pic of mine. If the link doesn't work, email me and I can send as an attachment.
Perfectionist: It sounds like you have yours dialed in just right!

Sorry, I wasn't clear on my last post. The Sovtek 6922 tubes Aesthetix shipped with the Calypso are quiet with tube hiss only noticeable 1-2 feet away from the speakers. It is when I swapped in a pair of JJ E88CC tubes, tested low noise by Tube Depot, that I had tube noise and pops from my listening position (10 ft). I do have the jumpers set for -12 dB gain. I'm beginning to think my speakers may be overly sensitive... ProAc Studio 140s with 91 dB sensitivity.

I may order Upsale's Mullard 12ax7 copies (Groove Tubes) to give them a try. I need to stick with current production as this preamp is going to see a lot of hours running both audio and HT bypass.
I'm a little confused. Generally, it's the gain stage tubes that cause noise, or 12ax7's. Not the output tubes or 6922's. Also slightly confusing to me is "Sovtek 6922" tubes. I was under the impression that Aesthetix only used Teslov tubes in the Calypso, both in gain and output stages. This is what my unit was tubed with 2.5 years ago upon purchase, and again within the last couple of month's when it went in for service. My speakers sensitivity is rated at 89db. And may I recommend Brent Jesse Audio for tubes. Knowledgable, courteous, willing to talk, and great return policy...
I just received the Calypso last week and it came with Teslovak E83CCS/12AX7 and Sovtek 6922 tubes. Not sure if this is the new standard, or just an inventory deal, but the Sovteks are quiet. I swapped in some JJ E88CC tubes and definitely had a major increase in noise.