TRL ST225 - Goodness anyone else own this amp

I will soon be writing a review on this amp and wonder if any fellow Agoners own this gem. If so, please let us hear your comments on it. I am nothing short of amazed by it. I had to "downsize" and sold a tube monobloc amp and tubed preamp combo costing over $15,000 new. Both pieces were fine sounding and well regarded.

I ended up trading a set of speakers for a TRL ST225 integrated amp. I had never heard of this amp before and was not aware of Paul's work.

All I will say for now is this integrated amp bested my previous set-up and is the finest sound my speakers and room have provided.

I am a tube guy folks and this SS amp is still the finest amp I have ever heard. I put $5000 in the bank and have better sounding music. Now that is exciting!!!

They cost some $5500 new and mine was purchased/traded as used. It had just been updated by Paul and came direct to me once the upgrade was finished.

Happy in MN

I've given Paul a deposit on the ST225. I heard this amp at a friend s' house. I couldn't give Paul my money fast enough. The chassis's have been back ordered and so I wait.
I would like to hear more. What equipment are you using.
Thanks Kim
With Paul and Frank here in the great North we are truly blessed.....I can't wait to hear his creations...cheers,Bob

You will just not believe how good this amp is. Forget the word downsize as it will be the finest amp you have owned. Music will flow and you won't feel like it's missing that or could do this other thing better.

It takes a few weeks to fully burn in and sound its best.
Mine is always on now and it runs cool all the time.

I want to let all Agoners know how wonderful this amp is. I have been containing myself as much as possible over the last few weeks, but must now spill out just a little.

Here is the plain truth based on my experience as an audiophile over the last 22 years. Please keep in mind I have owned and heard more reference quality amps/preamps then I care to list right now. I can say with 100% honesty that no preamp/amp combo has come close to being as good as this integrated. For me it is the first perfect amp or component I have owned.

My speakers never sounded this good at low volume. They have never sounded this good at moderate volume. They have never sounded this good at 105 db listening levels. No, they have always sounded like speakers, but now they sound like music.

I stumbled apon it as part of a trade. I had no idea what it was except the person trading with me told me it was wonderful and he is/was trustworthy.

I thought I was down-grading and saving money. I saved big money and upgraded like I have never experienced before.

This is not the best amp within a certain price point. It is the best amp period that my ears have heard.

Yes, I am sounding like an audio nut or some over zealous case. I don't care because it is true Agoners.

Ok, I let it out and feel good!

I will post a full review very shortly.

Love stories like this. Reminds me of the Supratek thread, and after hearing the Syrah in my own system, I agreed with what was said there. Bill, can you give us some examples of other amps/preamps you've owned, just to give us some context?
I have had the D-225 (non-integrated version of the ST-225) in my system for over 2 years now. It was Brian Weitzel's amp which was upgraded to current specs about a year or so ago (for free I might add). I am now using this amp with the TRL Pre-1.5 battery powered preamp. The combination is really amazing.