TRL ST225 - Goodness anyone else own this amp

I will soon be writing a review on this amp and wonder if any fellow Agoners own this gem. If so, please let us hear your comments on it. I am nothing short of amazed by it. I had to "downsize" and sold a tube monobloc amp and tubed preamp combo costing over $15,000 new. Both pieces were fine sounding and well regarded.

I ended up trading a set of speakers for a TRL ST225 integrated amp. I had never heard of this amp before and was not aware of Paul's work.

All I will say for now is this integrated amp bested my previous set-up and is the finest sound my speakers and room have provided.

I am a tube guy folks and this SS amp is still the finest amp I have ever heard. I put $5000 in the bank and have better sounding music. Now that is exciting!!!

They cost some $5500 new and mine was purchased/traded as used. It had just been updated by Paul and came direct to me once the upgrade was finished.

Happy in MN

Love stories like this. Reminds me of the Supratek thread, and after hearing the Syrah in my own system, I agreed with what was said there. Bill, can you give us some examples of other amps/preamps you've owned, just to give us some context?
I have had the D-225 (non-integrated version of the ST-225) in my system for over 2 years now. It was Brian Weitzel's amp which was upgraded to current specs about a year or so ago (for free I might add). I am now using this amp with the TRL Pre-1.5 battery powered preamp. The combination is really amazing.
Dennis - the - menace - I love some of these usernames!

Here are some (just some of the best) of my past amp/preamp experiences at home.


Audio Horizons - My favorite of the bunch
Tom Evan Vibe
Thor TPA1000
Wavac - Forget the model #
Supratek Syrah
Supratek Cortese
Joule LA150


Canary CA339's - best of the group
Mcintosh 402
NuForce SE 9
JC1 monoblocks
Belles Reference 350A
Belles 350A monoblock amps
David Berning Z 270
Thor TPA30's @ 60's
Joule Vamp Integrated
George Wright 2a3 monos
Wavac SET amp 845 based - forget the model #
Monarchy SE250's
Several Blue Circle Hybrid amps
Butler Audio
Vac Musicbloc monos

Hope this helps.

woah... thanks bill. that helps a lot. i love my canary amps. awesome sound. very similar to the VAC, tho a bit more transparent and dynamic, maybe less warm, tho I'm warming them up w/ some NOS tubes. your list makes me want to audition TRL gear!
When I say this int amp is better please understand I don't mean by some small margin. It has utterly transformed my music and my audio experience like no other piece of gear.

After "playing" with so many great amps I figured no system could ever really sound that much better - perhaps a little different or one aspect better here ......

No, the TRL ST225 broke through a plateau I thought was not possible or available in audio reproduction.

I wish more Audiogoners were reading this thread as many more people would be amazed and smiling like me.

I had Van The Man in my listening room last night as I listened to his live recording "A Night In San Fran" I was lost my friends - lost in the concert.

