TRL ST225 - Goodness anyone else own this amp

I will soon be writing a review on this amp and wonder if any fellow Agoners own this gem. If so, please let us hear your comments on it. I am nothing short of amazed by it. I had to "downsize" and sold a tube monobloc amp and tubed preamp combo costing over $15,000 new. Both pieces were fine sounding and well regarded.

I ended up trading a set of speakers for a TRL ST225 integrated amp. I had never heard of this amp before and was not aware of Paul's work.

All I will say for now is this integrated amp bested my previous set-up and is the finest sound my speakers and room have provided.

I am a tube guy folks and this SS amp is still the finest amp I have ever heard. I put $5000 in the bank and have better sounding music. Now that is exciting!!!

They cost some $5500 new and mine was purchased/traded as used. It had just been updated by Paul and came direct to me once the upgrade was finished.

Happy in MN

I don't doubt that you believe this amp to sound as good as it does. I am very happy for you that you were able to find such a good-sounding integrated that you feel surpasses much more expensive equipment. Because of your enthusiasm, I would be interested in some day trying it out. At the moment, I am very happy with my all tube set-up, but it's good to know that should I feel like moving to an all solid-state integrated, this TRL ST225 integrated will be at the top of my list to look at. By the way. What speakers are you driving with this new amp? Also, if you could post a photo of this unit, I'd love to see what it looks like, both inside and out.
Not sure how to post a picture on this thread? Can't open up the unit as the allen screws are stripped out to keep folks from peeking in and trying to copy his work. TRL would have to do that. I don't know much about the unit and really have not concerned myself with it as it just sounds amazing.

No remote, dual mono build, 80 pounds, left and right volume knob, 3 inputs, dead quiet, never even gets warm, stays on all the time.

I own Dali Grand speakers. I have owned them for 5 years. I tried the new Helicon 800's plus several others as the upgrade bug hits, but each time the Grands came out on top.

I still own Joseph Chow's wire and find it to be very good for the money.

04-18-08: Grannyring
Can't open up the unit as the allen screws are stripped out to keep folks from peeking in and trying to copy his work.

That's thorough.

If a fuse needs to be changed inside (if there are any), does this mean you have to send in the unit to TRL?
I am really not sure why the top screws are stripped, but if anything goes wrong the amp would need to go to TRL.
I suppose one could cut a slit and then use a flathead to remove the screws.

Not sure if all units are that way or just mine.

I have no idea if the unit has fuses or not. I know there is a 12(or so) point protection circuit that handles any potential issues. The amp will shut off (one channel) if a problem is detected.

I understand these units are problem free and way overbuilt in the first place.

Lots of folks are emailing me with questions on this amp. Please call TRL as I really know very little beyond the way it sounds. I am sure Paul and Brian can and will help you. They do answer the phone which is so rare.

If someone can tell me how to "post a picture" here I will for those who would like to see it.


My D-225 is also "sealed" but not my Pre-1.5 preamp. I believe in addition to being stripped the screws are also epoxied. Trust me, I've tried to open this thing and its not going to happen. Instead I just sit back and enjoy it now.

Mine has been problem free. Some tidbits I've been able to collect: The power supply is way overbuilt. The transformers are designed by Paul and he has them wound to his own specs as well. Computer grade capacitors are generally used. Paul uses his own choke filter design. The switches are typically Shallco 45 step attenuators with Roederstein resistors and the input selectors are usually Shallco as welll. However, I heard at one time Paul was designing his own so its possible that these are the ones used now. Instead of a typical on/off switch a high quality breaker switch is used. Internal wiring is solid core copper. Not sure about the amp, but on my preamp the internal ground wire to the IEC is not connected. I suspect this is true of the amp as well as it appears to be something consistent in Paul's designs/mods. Cardas binding posts usually my preamp uses Cardas RCA.

Paul has never been a fan of negative feedback so this is a NFB design. While listed at 225 watts (not sure if its RMS or per channel, I think the latter) its closer to 300 watts. My chassis is black and made from steel, but I think some may be the newer aluminum ones (I had custom rosewood side panels made for mine). The dual volume control knobs are usually wood (mine are purple heart) and over sized and the dual input selector knobs brass.

Other than that it just sounds real good. I'm using mine right now with a pair of Audiokinesis Stormbringer speakers after having used it with Spendor 1/2e speakers for the last couple of years.