Rawson Resale......

I've noticed that no one holds onto a Rawson amp for very long. Everyone raves but can't wait to unload it...now that doesn't make sense. Can someone explain this phenomenon to me?
Point taken, Tholt, but this is a perennial question on this board and it's almost never possible to know the truth without polling all the sellers individually. In other words, often enough it just leads to unproductive speculation.

Occasionally some items do come up in a clutch when a manufacturer brings out a new model. The AKG 701 spate appeared when the 702 was introduced ; the Graham 2.2 popped up for a while after the Phantom came out ; and so on.
Tobias, I didn't realize that the question of Rawson amps for sale was, as you say, perennial. I would think the perennial question on this board is the one asking advice about what to buy next or for comparisons of diff audio gear.

I do think the OP could have worded his question more neutrally to not spark an outpouring of backlash.
Sorry Tholt, I wasn't clear. The perennial question to which I referred, above, is not about Rawson gear in particular, it is about almost every make of gear that appears for sale in a cluster ( or IME not in a cluster, even ). The question being, "Why are there so many (put brand here) (put unit here) for sale recently?"

The other two questions you mention are, of course, perennial too.
Rawson resale must be pretty good. While I don't know what others have paid, it appears people are asking more for the amps than what they bought them for. Sort of goes against what Tim is trying to do.
Maybe he should open up a dealer network if there is going to be a mark-up.
I believe Tim just loves to build amps all shapes and sizes, he sells them to help fund the next project or two. I just missed out buying one of his small gainclones, they don't last long on the open market. Shame for the ones who try to resale for a profit. I think it goes against the spirit of these type of projects.

I must admit a lot them only a mother could love when looking at it but they give you the chance to acquire such a amp. And yes, just like the previous post a lot of times you step up for a better finish or more refined big sister.

I think as well, like in my case these amps are purchased for a second system to try out and play with, those tend to come and go much quicker than your main staple rig.

I recently seen some nicely finished ones, a far cry from some of the old ugly ducklings of the past; they still reportedly sound very good and isn't that what it's really about?