New to tubes


Currently have a Denon receiver and would like to replace it with an integrated tube amplifier. Considering the Onix SP-3, some of the Jolida line, or maybe a Primaluna Prologue 2 (budget $900 or less). My speakers are Monitor Audio Silver 5i's. I've been reading about speaker impedance curves and how the high output impedance of tube amps can really change the response of speakers. Anyone have experience with the Monitor Audio line and various tube amplifiers? These a good match for something like a Prologue 2 or an SP-3?


Grenamc, I happened to find this in poking around today:

From the Stereophile review of the 9i - this image shows their measured impedance for the 9i (solid line). Don't know enough about how this will affect power delivery and frequency response curve when used with a high output impedance tube amp, but it looks to me you might see a boost around 40 hz, 200hz, a dip around 2khz, and a boost around the 10khz mark (as compared to an ultra low impedance SS amp). Again this is just my novice interpretation from what I've read so far, but I thought it would be interesting for you to see this. Regarding my 5i's, I'm my impedance curve is likely different as I have a different crossover setup in mine. BTW there's a guy I found here who does crossover upgrade work on the Monitor Audio Silvers who says it's worth it - I haven't followed up with him yet but he goes by Vman71 here.
Hmmm, now you've got me thinking even more about getting into tubes myself.

I've got a pair of B&W 703's currently driven by a pair of Electrocompaniet AW220's and a Musical Fidelity A308CR preamp.

So far I haven't done any research but might just start looking now. Since I have no clue what kind of power output I need from a tube amp to drive my speakers I'd love to get some input.

Do I need the same kind of power I get from from an SS amp or is there any difference.

Thanks for the response curve and the info on Vman71. I think I might try and get in contact with him. I am hoping to go down to Indianapolis at the end of the week and look at some integrated tube amps in my price range. I know it won't be my house/speakers/etc, but it should give me a better idea how tubes deal with my listening material. I may end up deciding to go with a tube pre-amp and SS amplifier, or even a tube integrated with pre-outs for a bi-amp setup. Haven't come to any conclusions yet. As long as I get detail, soundstage, great sonic placement and no fatigue I will be thrilled. :)