Pass Labs xa - .5 amps

Has anyone compared the new Pass XA-30.5 stereo amp to the XA-60.5 mono amps? Interested to hear your impressions. I am considering one (or two) these for use with my ML Vantage speakers. Thanks.

Bob R.
Currently I am using Dynaduio 4Ohms speakers for this new XA 30.5 amp and Any one can tell me or suggest other
than Dynaudio, Which is the best matching speakers for this amp? Most suggestion from above recomending morethan
89db speakers will work suitably but no one was not specified, which manufacturare speakers will work better way?
I haven't listened to the X250.5 or X350.5, but I own the XA 60.5. The pair of 60.5 sit on stereo rack. So it does not matter to me if I have 1 or 2 amps. The reason I write is that I don't think I'll ever come back to Class AB amp. after living with Class A amp. The mid-range is more much natural, meaning less harsh and more fluid. Sound texture is far more realistic. To me the sound of each note, let it be vocal or instrumental, is a continuum of frequencies with the dominant ones being more present and hanging around a little longer. The subtle frequencies thus have shorter transient. Class A amp., at least the XA 60.5, let me hear the whole spectrum of frequencies as opposed to mainly just the dominant frequencies. The result is a truer sound.

From the power standpoint, 60 watts/channel means 120 watts for my full-size speakers. The pair of XA 60.5 are actually more dynamic, with that headroom you are talking about, producing more slam yet distinctive drum bass than a 150/300-watt amp. they replaced. To avoid talking down on a well respected amplifier, let me say that this former 150/300-watt amp. of mine came highly recommended by Stereophile who put it in their Class A category (this is review rating, and is not the "Class A" amp. I referred to earlier). Now that should tell you something about the XA 60.5.

Thank you for the detailed and informative analysis of the Pass XA 60.5. Posts such as you write are extremely helpful for someone like me. As Tvad has stated, the best case scenario is to bring these amps into your home and audition them to experience their synergy with your room and equipment. Unfortunately unless we are blessed with a local, extremely accommodating dealer, or have the luxury of large funds, many times it's reading posts such as yours that can provide some clarity in a decision making process.

Thanks again!!
Unfortunately unless we are blessed with a local, extremely accommodating dealer, or have the luxury of large funds...
Mozvz (Answers)

First, let's assume since you mentioned you are considering purchasing an XA-30.5 that funds are not an issue.

Second, contact Reno HiFi and see what you can work out regarding an audition.
If you choose to buy a brand new pair of XA60.5, it will set you back around $11K. To be fair I must preface that my earlier comment implies proper caliber for the remain equipment right down to cables and connectors. I should also said that the surprising factor, in my case, is actually the vibration/isolation platforms. It's like getting an upgrade on your equipment if you choose the right platform. It's comical that the platform I used under my power conditioner costs twice as much as the power conditioner itself. Yet that's the add-on that makes the most difference. Just about everything would have to be "right" to avoid wasting money on buying the XA60.5 or any amplifier with this level of performance.