Pass Labs xa - .5 amps

Has anyone compared the new Pass XA-30.5 stereo amp to the XA-60.5 mono amps? Interested to hear your impressions. I am considering one (or two) these for use with my ML Vantage speakers. Thanks.

Bob R.
Unsound you are correct in theory. The good news is that most companies which bother to produce such unwieldy beasts also care more than usual about quality because these are not produced for average audiophiles but for real old school die hards who don't care about size, heat, looks, efficiency or the latest " review". Spatine there are many well executed pure class a designs even though I admire Nelson Pass designs and have enjoyed talking to him from time to time about all things audio. - Jim
I must bow to the respected Audiogoners that have personal experience with the Pass amps, but, I was under the impression that the special design traits of the Pass amps benefit even more so from balanced use than is typicaly the case with other amplifiers.

I'm normally running Accuphase DP-67, C-275 and Krell FPB 300CX on my Vienna Acoustics The Music. My goal is to get some more body voices - the bass with the Krell is fine ;-)

I have tried Pass XA30.5 in my system and I especially like the midrange and the involvment. What I don't like is a rather slow and to heavy bass. The speakers are 4 Ohms and sensitivity 91 db. They have three 9 inch woofers pr. side.

Can anyone comment on if XA60.5 would solve the issues I have with the XA30.5? It's bigger amp but I have read here on Audiogon that the sound is very similar - they just give a possibility to play louder... (?)
I have used both the XA-30.5 and XA-60.5 on my 93dB/8 ohm speakers, and there is not an appreciable difference in sound between the two amps in my system. The XA-60.5 just play louder.

If the XA-30.5 aren't creating the sound you're after, I don't think switching to the XA-60.5 is going to result in a worthwhile change.
fast reply ;-)

Tvad, what would you suggest? A fuller sound compared to the Krell 300cx but with most of the bass control in place.
