Pass Labs xa - .5 amps

Has anyone compared the new Pass XA-30.5 stereo amp to the XA-60.5 mono amps? Interested to hear your impressions. I am considering one (or two) these for use with my ML Vantage speakers. Thanks.

Bob R.
With all due respect, I do not understand why one would use efficient, tube-friendly speakers and then use a solid state amp. There are a number of reliable and easy tube amps out there (ie. BAT). Solid state should be for inefficient speakers (4 ohm and less, 90db and below) that have a different set of sonic priorities.
06-04-09: Rtn1
With all due respect, I do not understand why one would use efficient, tube-friendly speakers and then use a solid state amp.

Rtn1, are you referring to me? If so, I have used tube amps with the Sonata III with unsatisfactory results.

The Sonata III have an impedance curve that dips below 5 ohms. They are not as tube friendly as the sensitivity and nominal impedance suggests. Extensive discussions with Ralph Karsten of Atma-Sphere corroborate this conclusion.

As I mentioned, Alan Yun voices his Silverline speakers with Pass Labs amps. There must be a good reason.
I have used tube amps with the Sonata III with unsatisfactory results.
Tvad (Threads | Answers)

To be more exact, the result was a tonal imbalance with the highs louder than the bass and midbass, resulting in a tipped up or bright sound. The tube amps used were VAC MusicBloc 160 push pull and Atma-Sphere M-60 OTL.

The XA-60.5 amps produce tonally balanced sound, and the tipped up characteristic is gone.
>>Solid state should be for inefficient speakers (4 ohm and less, 90db and below) that have a different set of sonic priorities.Rtn1<<

Totally disagree.
Rabbani, your choice of speakers will depend on your room size. I'd suggest anything 90+ dB given a small or medium size room. A large room would require a more sensitive speaker.

Impedance curve characteristics are of less importance since the XA-.5 series amps double power as speaker impedance is halved.

However, IMO, you should choose speakers before selecting an amp. Having done it the other way around, I realize what a mistake it is.