Tubed Pre match with a Spectron Musician IIISE?

That economic stimulus check will soon be burning a hole in my pants. Wondering about a good tubed preamp (prefer balanced connections) match with the Spectron IIISE. Associated equipment: Cambridge 840C CDP and Von Schweikert 4SR speakers.
Radicalsteve, what does the rest of your system consist of.

You said the ARC REF3 sounded "very bright and hard", I have to say that's the first time I have heard that and I have never ever had such an experience and I have tried endless amp combos with the REF3 and my set-ups are very re-veiling, I'm currently using MBL 101E speakers.

Something was going on so I would not put blame on the ARC REF3 and look elsewhere within the system, that being said when I spoke to Simon about the match compatibility he mentioned to me that it would be a great, in his defence he did also mentioned the BAT REX.

Look forward to your thoughts regarding mono block configuration hooked-up and what the differences are from just having a single stereo unit. Do your amps have either of the two upgrades available.
Radicalsteve, I over read and see that you have both upgrades, I guess I was just paying too much attention to your reference of the REF3 being bright and hard.

I also read some of your other threads and see you are in the area "Ottawa", you wouldn't happen to be coming to T.O. during the holidays for a visit would you.

I would really love to hear those in my set-up.
Dev, it is early days yet to report on the monoblock configuration - but as soon as I have a view I will post an update. Unfortunately I won't be in T.O., but on the slopes at Tremblant!

As to the Ref 3 I am assuming it is purely an impedance miss-match or such.

I really enjoyed the Ref 3 with my Sonic Frontier Power 3's prior to me getting the M III and for a while (contrary to lots of opinion here) I thought the ARC PH-3SE with NOS tubes was a great sounding phono stage prior to my Aesthetix IO SIg - so I quite like the sound of ARC gear and would always say that the REF 3 is a highly recommended world class preamp and I was sorry to see it go - just didn't have the synergy that my Line 3 has with the M III. I did think the Ref 3 display was ugly though!

I must say that a tube pre with the M III is a good way to go, especially with a tube based vinyl front end. Having said that, I would be really interested in a Sim Moon P8 with the M III. I used to have the P5 LE and only sold it because it had just one balanced out and I prefer at least 2 XLR out for my set up. That P5 was very sweet sounding and dead quiet.

Radicalsteve, what is the rest of your set-up?

Sonic Frontier, too bad they are gone they had some really nice pieces and I'm sure if they were still around they would be top contenders and on my list to own.

I was just about to pull the trigger to get a pair with both up grades but in the back of my mind for what ever reason this little voice kept saying wait, just wait and be patient.

Then I read Dob's information above making reference to just being in Toronto and hearing a system which consisted of MBL's driven by Joule-Electra and preferring it, well you can read what he said above. I guess this time arround that inner voice was right and saved me some aggravation as I would not have been too happy if I gotten the results you made reference to above.

I have not ruled them out 100% as of yet but now I know prior to laying out any money I'm gonna have to listen first, I'm going to be patient this time arround. I look forward to your thoughts, too bad you were not a little closer.

My understanding and past experience from using other class "D" amps is it really takes "many many" hours to break-in and you need to be very patient. Steve I heard you are suppose to being getting more of that white stuff too tomorrow, so far my grass is still green here.
Radicalsteve, I was mistaken when I said refer to above Dob's thread. It was actually on another thread titled,

"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?

Read below I just copied and pasted what Dob had to say about his most recent listening experience;

"I am not sure if you mean my review where I compared Spectron (positively) with VTL Sigfrieds but if its true I heard other tube amplifiers since."

"While, I will not take a "penny" from Spectron - its good amp, there are few OTL amplifiers which lead you directly to heaven."

"I spent a week in Canada and friend of the friend owns Joule-Electra Rite of Passage and big MBL speakers. I spent a large number of hours , almost every day, in his listening room. I will not tell you how accurate was this or inacuracte was that (I am professional cellist) - frankly I did not give a ... I knew I can't stand, I can't leave, I can't stop listening to the music. It was increadibly REALISTIC representation of REAL music. I am like a dog - I can tell you what I hear, I can't explain why (I did not hear euphonic even order or other kind of distortions, sorry)"

"Joule-Electra's web site is a bit neglected so you have to do your own research..... and you will discover that his "equipment" was reviewed time and time again by Harry Pearson of TAS, David Robonson of Positive Feedback and such, that he has many prestigeous awards etc etc."

"So at first I thought that I am insane but now I know that I am only poor. I can't afford big MBL with Rite of Psssage."

"I suspect that you want to say that I was hearing effect of MBL. Its true but I heard to these great speakers with so many solid state amps (including MBL) that I know that I heard - I heard "magic" pure and simple "magic"."