Monoblocks to consider?


Current system:

* Audio Aero Capitol;
* Joule Electra LA150 MkII;
* Dave Berning ZH-270,
* Merlin VSM-Mxe

I'm sort of considering monoblocks to replace the Berning - I know there are a few members here (especially SBanks) who have moved to Atma Shere monoblocks.

I'd like to canvas views on what amps I should be listening to. I'd like the amps to have just a touch more bottom end slam, if this is possible with my pre and speaker combo.


What's your budget? You may consider getting a second 270 somewhere and monoblocking them, very easy to do, or, if you can afford it, the new Berning monoblocks are available. I had multiple 270's, and the new monoblocks are just in a different league. I still have my MX's too, I should hook up the Bernings to them to see what they'll do.
One other thing--how old are the tubes in your Audio Aero? I just had mine replaced after 3 years (I leave it on standby most of the time), and wow, what a difference. Of course, I also added an Elrod cord to the AA, but regardless of what caused it, there was an immediate increase in bass.

IMHO, I'd first bring your VSMs and BAM to current spec (if they are not laready there). The difference in bass impact is pretty dramatic - mostly, I assume, to changes in the BAM. The KT-88 powered Prima Luna 7 monos, the TAD Hibachi SS monos, the Odyssey monos (mine were not extreme), and the the ICE powered Bel Cantos all sound different from each other, but all provided real kick at 60 hz and down.

Good Luck,

Here's an out-of-the-box suggestion, but one I've tried: Pass Labs XA-30.5.

Don't be fooled by the 30wpc power rating. This amp is a velvet hammer. It might be very impressive on the Merlins.

I auditioned one through Reno HiFi. Mark is a real pro.

I'd still recommend a subwoofer first, though.
The Atma-Sphere MA-1 monoblocks are a great match with the Merlin speakers. I listened to Sbank's system many times when he had the Bernings and then after he switched to the Atma-Sphere. The Bernings were a nice match and are excellent amplifiers. The Atma-Sphere amps were simply better: more resolving, more complete rendering of harmonic overtones, greater bass impact and control, better soundstaging. (Note: I use Atma-Sphere MA-2 monoblocks and so clearly like what Ralph's amps do in making music.)

Thanks for the replies.

I have never really considered a sub... and to be honest I have no idea where to start - I guess I need to do some more research.

I have considered a 2nd Berning, but they don't appear for sale all that often and I'm not sure it is the right solution for me.

My Merlins/BAM are up to current spec... but still lack a little bottom end 'slam'.

I changed the tubes on the Capitole about 2 years ago - so I will change them first, as it is the most cost effective option at the moment.

My budget is circa $15k but could find more for the right amps.

