Monoblocks to consider?


Current system:

* Audio Aero Capitol;
* Joule Electra LA150 MkII;
* Dave Berning ZH-270,
* Merlin VSM-Mxe

I'm sort of considering monoblocks to replace the Berning - I know there are a few members here (especially SBanks) who have moved to Atma Shere monoblocks.

I'd like to canvas views on what amps I should be listening to. I'd like the amps to have just a touch more bottom end slam, if this is possible with my pre and speaker combo.


Hi Dgclark0007, I agree Atmasphere amps sound good, no question about it. Berning amps are mega reliable, stable and low maintenance designs. Tubes last a very long time due to the grid drive. It would take much longer than 3 years before requiring a drive tube replacement for a ZH270. Bass from the Bernings are world class, they are not outclassed by much. If comparing apples to apples the new Berning Quadrature designs would be a better direct comparison to the MA2 MKIII as the Atmasphere amps cost nearly 7 times what a single 270 did when new. Resale value on used Berning products is also very high. Ultimately, I feel as long as you are happy with your gear and your system thats all that really matters. Cheers, Chris
Hi guys,

Heat from the amps is not a problem... however, reliability and the need to 'just use' an amp is essential - that is one reason why I didn't consider the Joule mono's.

It would seem most of you believe the Berning has damn good bass and the latest spec Merlins should cause a problem, so it leads me to think it might be my room.

I really do like the idea of the Atmashere amps, but there is point in investing if my room is the problem.


Mentioned earlier was the Pass XA30.5; I had it for a while and it is indeed a very good match with the Merlins - it is one SS amp that certainly works well with them and the bass performance is superb (I'm use to the bass performance of the CAT JL2). Like Tvad, said, don't let the 30 watts fool you; it must be a very conservative rating and as far as reliability and ease of use goes, well I doubt it gets better.

If you have the choice, the first thing you should do is look at the room. It may be fine, but odds are that it is not. Having said that, is it a dedicated room and what is its construction and dimensions. Buying gear is always sexier than fixing rooms, but the only way to know how any of it really sounds is to fix the room first.

If you can't fix the room, the amp is an awesome one and if you like it, waiting for a used one would be reasonable. If you want simplicity without the worry of tubes, then you will be looking at solid state.

Good luck
