Where are you today?

I am curious how many of you have switched from solid state to tubes or vice-versa and why, maybe you haved moved onto an integrated amp. Are you satisfied with what are you currently using and is this gear keeping you happy. Or for some of you, is the current state of the economy effecting your purchases?
Being an audiophile from the early '70's, I've flip flopped through the years between SS and valves many times changing just for the sake of change - always seeking that Audio Nirvana we're all searching for. I currently have very neutral SS amplification (Moon P8, Bryston 7BSST's) but employ tubes in my front end components (ARC PH5, BAT VKD5SE). Teamed with my B&W 802D's, I find I get all benefits of the "Tube Sound" (whatever that is these days) with the frequency extremes, detail, and slam of solid state. Couldn't be happier with this set up.
Both, solid state and tubes. Analog and digital. Different systems, same room. Two sets of speakers, which I feed from both solid state and tubes. Still listen to a lot of r2r tape. Been at this for fifty years, but still learning.
Been with valves and vinyl since the late 70s. Moved to Avantgarde Horns a few years ago - best upgrade ever. Next best was my TRON tube pre-amp - now if only I could stretch to a new TRON power amp - that would then be it.

Where I am today?
Well, House and car is sold, my wife gone, kids too, my friends are all gone, my last friend is my dog.
And my System.
Want to know how it began?
One day I heard differences ....
Switched from all SS to a 50/50 split(all tube seperates) to an Intergrated. The amp change accomplished two things:
a)It was a good product competeing with top-notch seperates
b)I no longer had to think mixing/matching dream components.