6SN7 based Pre-Amplifier

I enjoy my 6SN7 based Counterpoint SA-11 pre-amplifier for years. Now I am looking a 6SN7 based pre-amplifer at more manageable size for my second system. The other equipments are

1. Source - Resolution CD-55
2. Power Amplifier - Counterpoint NP-100
3. Speaker - Opera Mezza
4. Interconnect cable - Silver Audio Appasionata
5 Speaker cable - Silver Audio Symphony 48
4. Music - 75% classical 15% new age 10% jazz
5. Room Size - 12 x 15 x 9


1. AES AE-3
2. Consonance Cyber 222
3. Ming DA MC-2A3
4. Cary SLP-98

For the owners of these gears, could you share your experiences? Espeically, the Ming Da and Consonance pre-amplifers.

Of course, I am open for other suggestions.

Happy Listening.

Why don't you contact Mike Elliott at Aria and see what magic he has in store for your SA-11?

The Counterpoint SA-11 and SA-9 were my reference pieces before Mike built the EASE and my final evolution into Aesthetix.

The Aesthetix Callisto uses 6SN7's too, in addition to many other tubes, just as the Counterpoint does.
Another preamp with these tube is top of the line of Cary Audio

All The Best
The original Blue Circle BC21 uses 6SN7 tubes.

So does the Rogue 99 and 99 Magnum

So does this preamp.... :-)
Hi Gentlemen,

Thank you for all your suggestions. But I am looking for a pre-amplifier more MANAGEABLE than SA-11 (17 tubes in total) for my SECOND system.

By the way, Mike stop upgrading SA-11.