sweet, euphonic, reasonably powerful tube amp?

I'm thinking about moving away from my ARC VT100 mkiii to something more euphonic, forgiving, and sweet-sounding...tubey, really. (The VT100 goes somewhat in that direction when using the 4-ohm tap, but it's still somewhat "dry". On the 8-ohm tap, it's way too bright for me.) I have a VTL ST150 that's sort of in that direction when in triode mode, but it's just a bit bright for my tastes, as well. I want soft, easy highs. I'm using Harbeth speakers--I have both the Compact 7's and the M30's. They are somewhat inefficient, and require some power, probably no less than 70 watts or thereabouts, give or take. I listen mostly to classical music, in a relatively small room (14x19), and usually at low volume, but sometimes I like to step it up and play some rock or push the volume with some orchestral stuff. Other requirements: vanishingly low distortion, reliability, and ease of repair.

(Basically what's happening is that I've done the hyper-revealing, detail thing, and now I want to get down to just listening to the music, so that it's less about slam, holographic imaging, and cymbals in the room with me, and more about just listening to the music--not that I don't like a certain amount of those things!)

My budget, on the used market, could be anywhere between $3000 - 5000. On the pre-amp side, I have a GNSC-modified ARC SP8, a BAT VK31 w/ bugle boys, and I just bought a second hand Mac 2200, which I'm trying out because I want--Yes, believe it or not--a tone control!

(I really am whimping out, I guess!)

That Quicksilver V4 is an execellent recommendation for what you are looking for, and there is one up for sale now. Hard to beat for the price.
That Quicksilver V4 is an excellent recommendation for what you are looking for, and there is one up for sale now. Hard to beat for the price, quite a bit less than you are willing to spend and I don't think you'll do better spending up to your limits.
Usblues - The room is a standard suburban living room with wooden floors, rugs, various furniture, sheetrock walls, and windows on one side, treated with Marigo dots. Domestic issues limit my ability to fiddle with room acoustics. The speakers are on the short side, on either side of the fireplace.

Those of you that recommend Quicksilvers or the Mac 275, first, thank you, and second, have you heard these amps in comparison with ARC or VTL?

Many thanks
I'm fairly familiar with the VT100s and ARC amps generally - few are sweet and euphonic. Besides sounding great, there is unlikely a more reliable tube amp the QS, they are very, very easy to bias, and they are quite attractive; which counts a little bit. If you want really sweet and euphonic, you might also want to consider some of the older Conrad-Johnson gear using EL34s.