Jeff Rowland's Continumm

I've been interestingly putting my eye on the new continuum range from jeff Rowland for some time and have a question based on some discrepency within the information I have gathered; some claims new continuum uses the same module that was used in 201 and 501 while other claims Continuum uses the same module as 302 and 312.

Can anyone solve my curiosity?
Thanks for your kindness Dave.

Ayre and JRDG both I believe, are respectable hifi makers and it seems pointless discounting one for another.

One thing I can be sure of is, that I love JRDG sound.
Pinkus - The Ayre integrated "smacked" two JRDG preamps? I don't get it. When you used each of the preamps, what amps were you using?
"clarity, nuance, gestalt, palpability, etc"

I agree with you Macrojack, I wouldn't know how to palpate a nuanced gestalt if one sat in my lap. And yes, 'findings' sounds so much 'more better'n' personal opinion. I also agree that using colorful terminology freely imported from the competitive team sports arena may at times be slightly less than helpful. That is why I much prefer to offer my listening experience in terms of equipment context, musical context, and finally as much as possible concrete description of my observations. . . and in the end, just in case, I call everything 'preliminary' no matter what.

Pinkus, I am very much looking forward to giving one more round of hard listening to AYRE at the next RMAF in the Fall. Unfortunately last year's AYRE suite was -- to my great surprise -- slightly disappointing for its etched sound. . . . but so were most other suites. Guido
Jfz, Nagra VPA's and also Nagra MPA (MPA is sold now that I have acquired the Ayre integrated)

Guido, I was so impressed with the Ayre integrated, that I have also ordered the Ayre KX-R...after demoing it in house. I demoed the KX-R in the store against the Ref-3 for 10 minutes. Obviously, I could not arrive to any conclusions in 10 minutes.

However, the KX-R in my system, matched with the Nagra's was a thing of joy. If you get a chance, you should listen to it in your system.