Jeff Rowland's Continumm

I've been interestingly putting my eye on the new continuum range from jeff Rowland for some time and have a question based on some discrepency within the information I have gathered; some claims new continuum uses the same module that was used in 201 and 501 while other claims Continuum uses the same module as 302 and 312.

Can anyone solve my curiosity?
Hi Pinkus, how many hours did you put on the Capri? And how many hours did it take to break in and stabilize. I am of course looking forward to listening to the KX-r at the first opportunity. completely?

PS. To anyone wondering if we are straying out of topic, the pre circuit in the JRDG Continyuum is closely based on the JRDG Capri.

Well, I agree Pinkus, people looking for "full bodied" sound should probably look elsewhere than JRDG. I seek "neutral" and find it in JRDG's current stuff. I've got a number of great recordings with rich mids, extended highs and slam in the bass and I don't want my electronics adding to that. You my friend, seem to be from one of the other camps that likes a more forward presentation. There's nothing wrong with that and I find at least half the world is populated with those seeking what you seek.

I was wondering how Ayre could make that chassis affordable. It is IMPRESSIVE indeed, riviling JRDG in many respects. It's visually stunning, derived from a single billet and should make a great platform for Ayre. I suppose that'll be their "statement" product.

You're relatively new around here, so please consider posting pictures of your system in the Virtual Systems section. It's not a requirement for sure, but I think it helps us to understand more about where our friends are coming from.


I had 2 Capri's. The original one was a demo unit (black) that I I assume, it had some amount of break in. I replace it with a silver unit, which was new. I did not put in a lot of hours on it. As per Jeff's manual, all preamps have 72 hours of break in performed at the factory...there is no mention of additional break in required for optimal performace. In contrast, the Ayre mention specifically states a break in time of 100-500 hours. In either case, I am not a big believer in break-in...and am somwhat sceptical tha break-in can transform the listening character of a component
BTW Guido, Soundings loaned me a Solo Crystal Oval IC to try with my Continuum's phono-stage. OMG, I couldn't believe the bass. I didn't take the effort to measure it, but it was so obvious that I swear that I could have measured it with an SPL meter.

I started listening to small combo jazz, with lots of bass and I was concerned that it may be TOO much; however, I pulled out the classicals, including my Solti/Beethoven 9th and all my Reference Recordings of the Dallas Wind Symphony (which I've heard live many times) and was blown away by the transparency. The bass drum slams on the Holtz stuff almost blew me out of my seat, yet the highs were silky and crystalline. Very nice indeed. I'm ordering two-pair.

Have you tried the A-Ps? How would they compare to your favorites?
