Classe vs mcintosh

Looking for comments on the Classe 200 watt 2 channel amp (CA2200) as opposed to the mcintosh 252 or 402. I have heard that classe is cleaner, more accurrate etc. However, looking at the specs its hard to see how anything could be cleaner or more accurrate than the 0.005% THD of the mac amps. I know the CA2200 is spec'd at .003% THD at 8 ohms and .005% TDH at 4 ohms but that .002% difference at 8 ohms is so small as to be without a distinction. Listening to the Classe it just seemed boring and lacking compared to the mac amps ( with no tubes in the system ). Both amps driving B&W speakers.
Listening to the Classe it just seemed boring and lacking compared to the mac amps

So, with that being said, didnt you pretty much answer your own question, or am I missing something ?
I went through the same decision process for my 803D mains and ended up with a Spectron Musician III SE MK2. Best of both worlds combined plus 1, imo.
The problem is the speakers. They just do not sound that good to begin with. Try tube amps and preamps. McIntosh.
i agree with polk432. it isn't the amps. you also need to compare like amps. you are stating that you compared the 200 watt classe with the 252 and 402 mac. i didn't like the 252, no power, but if you compare the classe to a much larger amp, you are not comparing apples to apples. get a hold of a ca-401 or the classe cam-350 or ca-400 mono's and you might change your tune. remember it doesn't matter if you listen to the speakers at a low or high volume, an amp with much more power will better control the speakers at all volumes better than a lass powerful amp.