Recommend a small tube amp for bedroom use?

Looking for something small, not std 19" width. Maybe 1/2 width or smaller even. SET design with 300b tubes is preferred. This is for low volume listening in the bedroom. Any suggestions?
If you don't mind EL 84 tubes, the little Jolida 102B integrated is a great little amp with a very small footprint and at 19 watts per channel can drive a variety of small, inefficient if necessary, speakers. You won't need a preamp and can find them on Audiogon used for $300-$400. I am currently driving Spendor S 3/5s with one in a second system with great results.
Look at the Italian brand Synthesis. Very compact and nice looking. Nice sounding too, though not cheap. Also, it is pushpull (I recall one model used EL84s).