Pass Labs XP-10 & XP-20 preamps

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has heard the new Pass Labs preamps: the XP-10 & the XP-20? I wonder how they would compare to the Jeff Rowland Capri preamp? Thank you. Stan
"The Absolute Sound" magazine just published a thorough review of the PASS XP20 (& XA160.5) in their current April/May issue. The Reviewer claimed both components to be among the best available and bought both! PASS has knocked-the-cover-off-the-ball with their current line-up.
I heard both the XP-10 and XP -20 extensively just a week ago. The X-P-20 was part of a system that used the XA 100.5 monos and X 600.5 monos.

I got to try the X-P10 in my system. Sorry folks, but the Fire preamp I am using in my system was the Clear winner.
I just traded in my X-1 for the new XP-20. It is still breaking in, but it is clearly superior and is an incredible combination with the XA100.5. It is difficult to describe, but I think it is more about what it does not do than what it does. It is extremely quiet and neutral. I hear much more of what is on the record and what I hear is more involving.
>>Sorry folks, but the Fire preamp I am using in my system was the Clear winner.<<

Nothing to be sorry about; it's what you prefer but not what others may find more pleasing. It's subjective.

Besides, you are incredibly biased. All one need do is read your posting history to read the same story in every post. Every post. Same stuff over and over.


What am I to say? The reason I take interest in the Pass Labs products, is because that is the brand I left behind. Revisiting the brand and hearing the latest and greatest amps, and preamps, I noticed a terrific improvement over previous gear, and I should have said so. Still, the bass was over prodigious, while the mids and highs were some of the best from solid state I have heard.