Pass Labs XP-10 & XP-20 preamps

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has heard the new Pass Labs preamps: the XP-10 & the XP-20? I wonder how they would compare to the Jeff Rowland Capri preamp? Thank you. Stan
Tvad, I understand you. There is a impedance mismatch between ICE amps and preamps. H Ho addressed that problem with the invention of the Fire. The thing is the Fire will work in any system.

One thing I did not get done when at the dealer's place, and that is set my system up with his Full Ranges. I decided not, because those speakers are using the foreign ribbons, and I knew already what that sounds like.
03-23-09: Muralman1
The thing is the Fire will work in any system.

As I believe will the Pass XP-20.

Nevertheless, the fact that each preamp will work in any system does not also mean each will sound the same in every system, because every amplifier has a unique impedance curve, as does every speaker.
Muralman1, why don't you start a new thread discussion of the Fire preamp? I had never heard of it before. Perhaps its virtues may be of some interest to others in these forums.
>>Muralman1, why don't you start a new thread discussion of the Fire preamp<<

No need for that.

If you read his posting history, that topic is discussed in each and every thread along with his system.

It's the same old Scintilla, H2O, Fire, nos digital, ribbon speaker cable crap. Post after post after post; thread after thread after thread.

Nothing changes.
No, I changed the NOS DAC. None of it is crap. I invite anyone posting negatives about my sound to come listen for themselves to get the straight first. Otherwise, your opinions are crap.

The subject of the Pass Labs newest preamps was brought up. I listened to both, the 10 on two systems, and I gave my honest opinion.