Pass Labs XP-10 & XP-20 preamps

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has heard the new Pass Labs preamps: the XP-10 & the XP-20? I wonder how they would compare to the Jeff Rowland Capri preamp? Thank you. Stan
No, I changed the NOS DAC. None of it is crap. I invite anyone posting negatives about my sound to come listen for themselves to get the straight first. Otherwise, your opinions are crap.

The subject of the Pass Labs newest preamps was brought up. I listened to both, the 10 on two systems, and I gave my honest opinion.
Nobody said your stuff is crap; you missed the point.

Your posts are the epitome of redundancy; it's the same "crap" over and over and over; a broken record if you will.

Get it?
I took the advice here, and tried to start a new thread. That was yesterday
afternoon. I haven't got a rejection yet. We will see just what Audiogon is made

I am preaching to the class D crowd, an ever expanding audience. Admittedly, I
am upsetting the audio cart in doing so. ICE application is an exciting new field,
and I have made some pertinent findings.

I own a H2O S250 Signature amplifier as well as a Pass Labs X250.5 amplifier, and my speakers (Avalon Opus) are not nearly as difficult to drive as Muralman's Apogees. While I like the bass control of the H2O amplifier, in my system the Pass amp sounds more lively, more full and closer to live music.

I also own a H2O Fire but have a XP-10 coming soon to try out. The Fire is the best overall preamp I've yet heard, so it will be interesting to compare it to the XP-10 when mated with the Pass amplifier. I'll keep you posted.


That preamp comparison should be quite interesting. I look forward to reading about your results.
