best of both worlds can u get a musical multi amp?

i wonder if it is possible to get a multichannel amp that is just as musical as it is ht effective..i own a dreadnaught 2 which i really like, though most of the reading i do suggests dedicated 2 channel amps give you the best sound...any thoughts?
Just puzzlement. Some MCH amps have channels with independant power supplies so they only share the chassis and power cord.
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Yes, I have listened to multichannel SACDs for a while.
try those new DSD recording (after 2002) on classical music SACDs, they are amazing:

You never know until you do A/B comparsion. You need to make sure:
1) setup all your spks are full range spks; 2) the center channel spk and amp are just as good as your mains; 3) use ITU guide for your spk positions, your rare spks shall place > 100 degree (as suggested by ITU 110 degree). 4) if you can, make sure the central channel get mod done too while geting your SACD player mods. I have all tube system setup in my listen room, really enjoy. Now I realized the 2-channel system will not reproduce "live music" -- as people claimed they have.