best of both worlds can u get a musical multi amp?

i wonder if it is possible to get a multichannel amp that is just as musical as it is ht effective..i own a dreadnaught 2 which i really like, though most of the reading i do suggests dedicated 2 channel amps give you the best sound...any thoughts?
Yes, I have listened to multichannel SACDs for a while.
try those new DSD recording (after 2002) on classical music SACDs, they are amazing:

You never know until you do A/B comparsion. You need to make sure:
1) setup all your spks are full range spks; 2) the center channel spk and amp are just as good as your mains; 3) use ITU guide for your spk positions, your rare spks shall place > 100 degree (as suggested by ITU 110 degree). 4) if you can, make sure the central channel get mod done too while geting your SACD player mods. I have all tube system setup in my listen room, really enjoy. Now I realized the 2-channel system will not reproduce "live music" -- as people claimed they have.
There is no reason it can't sound as good. This is just another "audio myth".

Sure a multichannel integrated with 5 channels that costs the same as a monoblock single channel power amp is quite unlikley to out perform the power amplification prowess of the monoblock on any one indvidual channel...but you would expect that.
If you want musical then "downgrade" to a used Dreadnaught I. Alternatively, try an Ayre V-6xe.
ooo i feel no need to downgrade..i love this amp..besides its heat issues..i am just curious as to am i getting the best stereo sound from a multi channel...or..if that is a misnomer
I used to have Dreadnaught II, and then switched to BAT 75 SE, and I'll venture a thought, that BAT is significantly better for music reproduction. Actually BAT makes MC amp VK- 6200, and coming from VK himself, " many people bought it strictly for 2-CH systems". I haven't heard it myself, though.
From my personal experience I can say, that I found a dedicated high quality stereo system ( 2-ch preamp with HT bypass, mono blocks for the front channels), integrated into HT set-up (HT pro-, MCH amp for the front and rear channels), to be a more flexible and capable solution.