Downgrading... Is it possible??? Suggestions

I am currently running what I consider to be a really nice setup. I like the sound a lot and don't really have an itch to change a thing. That said, my system pretty much has overtaken our living room and while it looks pretty cool to an audiophile, it is rather unsightly to most others. I have 2 racks and am using a total of 9 rack spaces.

My wife is very cool about this, but really we have rather small house and I feel like a jerk hogging up the whole living room like this. I originally had a dedicated built room for my gear but I found I liked having my music where I am all the time and not having to go out all by myself and play music in closed quarters.

Check out my system and give me suggestions. I don't want to change my sources but am open to speakers (maybe going to a standmount?) and the preamp and amps to an integrated. I don't spend most of my listening in the sweet spot and value a good lively dynamic sound. I listen to all music types.
start with the speakers. you can actually get small footprint dynamic floorstanders that will excell on all types of music....only a downgrade of space and cost, not sound.
In my living room I use SF Cremons with Pathos integrated and cd player (Classic/Digit small chasis). Add an Oracle TT and small chasis phono stage (Lehman Black Box or equivalent) and you'll have a small, striking looking system. It may not match your current system's performance, but it can sound very good.
In a move to integrated, I would take a look at the new Pass Labs integrated - a start to "downgrading" while maintaing the level of perfomance you are accustomed to. As for speakers, I agree with Jaybo - a change here would give you a lot of bang-for-the-buck in creating a less intrusive presence in your room, while keeping a high quality, "full-range" sound. My favourite "small" speakers with "full-range" sounds are Merlin VSM-MXes.
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I am doing the same thing. My system is being migrated from the living room to either the loft or a small den. My problem is that I would like to keep all of my components which means the only area of change are the speakers. Going to some stand mounted speakers will give the visual perception of a smaller speaker but in terms overall foot print and usable space, I dont think I will be gaining anything. The toughest part of my downsizing is actually being able to let go of my gear. Arrghhh this is going to be tough!