SET amp for high efficiency horn speaker

SET amp for high efficiency horn speaker :

My speakers are highly sensitive (110 db), and I would like recommended & proven reliable SET amp, which are also quiet.

I've owned 104 db sensitive and now own 107 db sensitive horn loudspeakers for the past 8 years. In that time, I've owned or demoed the following amps that were exceptional with them: Art Audio PX-25, Wyetech Sapphires, Cyrus Brenneman Cavalier Plus, and Audiopax Model 88. The Wyetech Sapphires and Cyrus Brenneman Cavalier Plus were/are the most reliable out of the bunch and are very quiet. Audiopax Model 88 was very quiet as well. I had irritating noise issues with the PX-25 that was never resolved. I've heard negative things about Audiopax's customer service and repair times. In addition, Audiopax's prices skyrocketed and as of late seemed to have disappeared from high-end audio.
In any event a highly sensitive speaker need not be driven by a low power SET.
I think (the famous)Paul Klipsch preferred to show his 100+ dB hi-eff horns with amps of 20wpc or more for similar reasons as you cite.
I second the KR audio amps...definitely one of the quietest amplifiers on the market. When I state no noise, I mean absolutely no noise from the speakers..even with an ear on the driver. It is the quietest amplifier I've experienced at home or any where else for that matter.