Hegel H80 for KEF LS50? Or other amp?

Hello all,

I am seriously considering the Hegel H80 based on the reviews I've seen and the recommendations of a few people who have heard it. My only concern is that my speakers are KEF LS50s, which drop to 3.2 ohms at their minimal impedance (although overall they are not an extremely difficult load) and have a sensitivity of 85db. The Hegel is claimed to sound more powerful than its claimed 75 wpc and to have a powerful bottom end. However, there is no specification into 4 ohms, and I'm worried that it will not have the dynamics or the bass that a more powerful integrated might have (for example, the Krell S300i is on sale for $1800 new and doubles down into 4 ohms - very tempting).

If any of you have experience with the Hegel into 4 ohm speakers, I'd love to hear about it. And if you have another recommendation for the KEF LS50s, I'd appreciate your input. I LOVE the speakers, but I just haven't found the right integrated yet. My listening room is about 14 x 16 feet, and I listen at moderate levels to a wide range of music.

Thanks so much!
Hey Donjr;
Sorry, the Bryston B135 SST² was better than the Hegels; as stated.
Not a question of "liked" better, It was better in all ways except low bass detail and control where they matched. But of course, you would have to have been there.
in the show they use the h80 to drive the 86db 4ohm magio s1 small floorstanders with 1 in and 7 in drivers

I have been using the h80 for 3 mths and the speakers are the used quad 22l 89db

people in audioasylum use the h80 for the Maggie 1.6//1.7

the 85 db ls50 is a small monitor that
the h80 can be able handle; just turn up the volume a bit

I only use 50 out of 99 to drive my quad22l to moderate level which is good enough for me in a 350 cu feet plus room

I wish to get a pair of used ls 50 with stands later

Thanks, everyone. I appreciate your responses. I pulled the trigger on the H80, and it should be here next week. Can't wait to start breaking it in!
Hey Dmacg, don't be sorry. I stand behind what I said and I've heard both but not with the LS50's. I have heard the LS50's however.