suggest valve amplifier for Living Voice speakers

Living Voice IBR-X2 speakers,Resolution Audio Opus CD player ,recommended SET tube amplifiers,Audion,dehavilland,new Audio Frontiers,Viva,J.C.verdier,mastersound,let me know which amp shall give live soundstage , resolving ,delicate music.Has anybody any information on Komura 845 tube amplifiers
>>Cayin, is the best sound and value out there.<<

You forgot "IMO".

The best sound? Hardly
The best value? Your opinion
What about the Audio Note Interstage 300B or the Border Patrol S20 ? Both offer about 20 wpc and use interstage transformers. The AN did very well at RMAF, the BP got a rave from Roy Gregory. Haven't heard them, but would love to.
I have owned both the Komura 845 set amps and Verdier 845 set amps....although not with the LV speakers.
I found both to be excellent and two of my favorite 845 based amps.
My personal nod would be to the Komura....just a bit more dynamic life in the music
Mehakrishnan,Wow You have good good taste...I like Living Voice a lot and thought that they deserve better amplification than the likes of Cayin[I think cayin is fine if you just want to 'play'with tubes-no disrespect intended,just based on my personal subjective opinion]

My personal listening experience with the Living voice reveled one clear winner:AN Ongaku.Really,they are made for each other.I have also listened to the living voice being driven by Lavardin IT [not SET,but sound infinetely better than the cheaper SETs]quite gloriously.