Dartzeel 108 vs Ayre Mr-X


What would comments & observations be on these two amps.
Pros & cons with Nagra preamp (PL-L).

Any suggestions on amps in same "league" ?

Just to add a note of balance here, I'm sure that everyone is accurately describing their listening experiences. However, please be aware that the Ayre MX-R's have a very expensive ultra-high speed, ultra-low loss PCB material. It cost over 20x what the standard audio grade fiberglass PCB material costs.

The only problem with it is that it takes about 2 or 3 weeks of continuous play to fully break in.

So if you have listened to them at a dealer that has had them on constant display for many weeks or months, you will probably think they sound pretty good. Same story if you buy them and live with them for a while.

But if the dealer has just gotten them, or switches them in and out of the system constantly, they won't be at their best and you will probably leave the showroom scratching your head wondering what all the fuss is about.

The bottom line is that an in-home demo with well broken-in equipment is always the best route with any brand. Then you can hear it with your equipment, in your room, with your music. Even then you won't be hearing the equipment at its best. You'll want to tweak it, playing with "footers", power cords, et cetera. Most of this can only happen after you've made the purchase. So things can only get better from what you hear at the in-home demo. Hope this helps.
I think we all know who needs to grow up here :)

Charles, you have a good point. However, fewer and fewer dealers on earth are willing to loan their equipments out for days. It's a fact, many dealers told me they stopped doing so because loaning equipments out did not generate more sales. Some manufactures offer loaner to potential buyers for extended home trial just for the cost of shipping, you might consider offering that in US or you risk putting your equipments at a disadvantage in dealer show room which is what 99% of population will gauge their impression on. Imagine you are shopping for a Ferrari which is what your MX-R is in automobile's world, after test driving for 10 minutes you were not impressed, would you still want to go thru the hassle of taking it home for a long test drive or simply go to your nearby Aston Martin dealer and put down the deposit?

When is Audiogon going to ban the immature posts?
I don't hate you Semi.

I simply think you have no clue.

And name calling?

Isn't that the purest form of immaturity?

Go figure.