Which solid state amp for Von Schweikert VR-4.5?

Am still looking for a good solid state amp to drive my VR 4.5's. Looking to spend under $1500 used. Want detail and as clean a sound as I can get for the money. Not looking for smooth or euphonic amps. Preamp is tube unit (6SN7's). Considering Parasound A21, McCormack DNA-1 (too smooth?), Classe CA-150/151/200/201, Pass X150, CIA D-200. What amp(s) would you recommend?
Personally I think the VR4 and 4.5 shine with tubes, but since you have already expressed a need for SS, that is a moot point. However, if it must be SS then a DNA-1 would be my first choice in your price range. It is not an ultra detailed amp, but it is not euphoric either. It is neutral but with a slight midrange bloom that gives the music richness and life w/o sounding slow and sluggish. But just to educate you a bit on that subject, a good tube amp can do this very thing too.
I am using Bel Canto Class D amps with my VR-4s and a Modwright tubed pre-amp. I like this combination. Bel Canto will let you use them on trial if you want to try them out in your system.
As a follow up, I ended up with the McCormack DNA-1 amp. Lots of power, finesse, and great soundstage. Am considering having SMC do the upgrade mod. I think this amp, even stock, is a fine match for these speakers.