Spectron Musician III - Can anyone comment on it?

I am currently on the hunt for a pair of amplifiers that have massive peak power capability with excellent micro dynamics and neutral presentation. I am driving a pair of Martin Logan Statement E2's

The Spectron Musician has been reviewed exceptionally well everywhere I looked and seems to fit the bill but I just can't get over 25 years of snobbery telling me to avoid switching amps because linear amps just sound better and, hey, the name on the faceplate ain't Krell or Mark Levinson!

Can I PLEASE get a few people with experience listening to these amps tell me why I should or shouldn't buy them?

I desperately want to buy a pair of the BAT VK-600SE's since I own mostly all BAT equipment but to produce, say, 110db peaks one would comfortably need several thousands watts of power in the bucket to meet the challenge. I don't think the BAT amps have that under the hood.



Perhaps you should also consider two Spectron Musician III MK II in mono-block configuration. These amps in balanced mode have all the qualities you're looking for plus a lot more. There is more control, more finesse with a total absence of grain anywhere in the audio spectrum. There is that effortless sound while at the same time staying composed that only the best of the best can achieve.

IMHO, the Spectron amps don't sound like a typical digital amp, they just sound like great amps.
Total agreement with Isanchez.
I cannot speak for the MIII, however, I owned several linear amps, during these ownerships I never found any leaps and bounds between brands. In light of current technology, materials, craftmanship I am starting to feel that linear has maxed out it's design.
Spectron MIIIMKII plays like no other that I have heard. Linear or not.
Unlike me, you will save yourself thousands of dollars, sleepless nights, hours of concentration, weeks of unhappiness, your wife will not start to suspect that you may be having an affair with something else and above all enjoying your listening pleasures.
Like most of us, music is a pleasure that I take seriously us and you see what I mean.
Even if you buy these MIIKII new for the musical presentation that is delivered it is worth every dollar.