Spectron Musician III - Can anyone comment on it?

I am currently on the hunt for a pair of amplifiers that have massive peak power capability with excellent micro dynamics and neutral presentation. I am driving a pair of Martin Logan Statement E2's

The Spectron Musician has been reviewed exceptionally well everywhere I looked and seems to fit the bill but I just can't get over 25 years of snobbery telling me to avoid switching amps because linear amps just sound better and, hey, the name on the faceplate ain't Krell or Mark Levinson!

Can I PLEASE get a few people with experience listening to these amps tell me why I should or shouldn't buy them?

I desperately want to buy a pair of the BAT VK-600SE's since I own mostly all BAT equipment but to produce, say, 110db peaks one would comfortably need several thousands watts of power in the bucket to meet the challenge. I don't think the BAT amps have that under the hood.

A collection of additional quotes on Room 1004 (TweekGeek's Spectron monoblock/SP Tech/Modwright/Synergistic Research RMAF 2008 room):

“I heard the Minis, thanks for the demo They are a great value and there is little to fault in a speaker at that price, which is an achievement for sure. Also, if you need a small speaker to fill a big space, these will fit the bill as they are capable of playing loud and clean without distorting. They were using Spectron amps, and a big huge amp seems like an appropriate pairing for them. “

“I was also extremely impressed by SP Technology, the speed, immediacy, and live quality of the sound was very striking. The SP Tech fans are really on to something. I felt like I had just left a concert after visiting that room. 1100 Watts of Spectron amplification had something to do with that too, I'm sure.”

“The SP Tech room was quite enjoyable ...the bass the Revelations put out is something else, that's a terrific speaker....nothing downright I'd find fault with, maybe some more treatment...but I have a new respect for how tough the shows and room situations can be for these guys...”

“SP Tech - only got to listen about 10 minutes and they were still playing with setup so it was hard to say. Based on what I heard, they have a lot of potential with the Spectron amps. It was just a lot for that room. I'd absolutely love to hear them with a little more room to breathe. I'm sure they're quite impressive.”

“I enjoyed the SP Tech Mini's and the Joseph Audio Pearls.”

“Tweekgeek/SP Tech/Spectron: I had met these guys the night before. By the time I got there, the Mini's were gone and the Revelation was just put in. BIG SOUND! Unfortunately, it was going through set up pains and I left before things were sorted out. I met the SP Tech crew in the elevator later and I was told that new speaker cables were brought in and the whole set up was much improved. Bob was in the room next to me. I went back and they certainly lived up to all the praises from AC crowd. I heard just a little hint of brittleness on top that I would like to try my big tubed Response Audio Bella Extreme/Hurricanes on them. I say this because I have tried Response Audio modded AV1s on my amps and they really sounded clean without any hint of metallic tinge. It may also have had something to do with the Exemplar (SA)CD player that they used. “

“SP Tech.... they deserve their growing reputation. I just heard the minis and they sounds a lot bigger than they are, and they're a good value as well. “

Dear Ted,

Thank you very, very much for all your help in set up of two Tweek Geek rooms. I truly appreciate your efforts.
If I offended you somehow I deeply apologize.

May be I also was too harsh on Mike Garner - he is very nice fellow but I stand behind my statement that he is not YET experienced enough dealer for the set-up of very hi-end system.

I am sure next year he will prove me wrong !!! I wish him only well, he is very talented fellow and will go far.

One think I cannot apologize for is for my ears. To my regret I hear what I hear. I am truly terribly sorry that my comments was taken by you rather personally.
Moreover, testimonies of other people who's ears or qualifications I don't know are probably not the best argument as far as I am concern. Moreover, I been there and I heard what I heard...sorry

Again, thank you a lot for your help in the set up. Its difficult work and we all, enjoyed your work.

Thank you and
All The Best
Dear Ted,

I missed something. I was not Sunday there. From the accounts of varios people - my understanding is that Mr. Bob Smith, designer of SP Technology speakers arrived Saturday night and re-arranged set up. Moreover, he uninstall $6k Synergistic Research speaker cable and install that of David Elrod - twice cheaper and new cable made much of the difference.

So, you are probably right in regard to Sunday, I am sure you are right in regard of Sunday....but I wasn't Sunday there, sorry.

I will try to buy from Mike Garner this "magic" speaker cable if its not sold already

All The Best
No harm no foul. I was confused by something in your first post about Mike's rooms that led me to think you were speaking from second hand experience, not first hand. You are clearly knowledgeable and have every right to your first hand (ear) opinion about the sound in the room, regardless of our differences. Thanks for the comments and retraction of your initial negativity against Mike. Did I meet you while you were there? Sorry you couldn't hear the Sunday setup. Thx
Hi Guys,

I'm just wondering if anyone can guess the difference, particularly in how relaxed, palpable, liquid the sound is when comparing a stereo Mk2 with both Bybee and VCaps, to monoblocks without either of these upgrades. I can just barely afford two without upgrades, but could purchase one stereo Mk2 with both upgrades. My speakers are 88db 4 ohm, and manufacturer suggests amps up to 350W, so it is not a matter of needing more power than one stereo amp...

Thanks in advance!